Animal Agriculture

The Next Girl: Female Vegan Filmmakers’ Powerful New Movie

An all-female team of vegan filmmakers has created a groundbreaking, award-winning, 15-minute film titled “The Next Girl” that is now streaming on UnchainedTV Los Angeles, December 26th, 2023 — VKind Studios has produced a poignant 15-minute film created by an all-female team of vegan filmmakers, that’s now streaming for free on UnchainedTV.

Wayne Hsiung and his dog companion Julie
Wayne Hsiung Sentenced to 90 Days in Jail in the Sonoma Open Rescue Trial

The animal rights activist Wayne Hsiung was sentenced to 90 days in jail and two years probation for three trespass-related convictions in the Sonoma Open Rescue Trial Los Angeles, December 1, 2023 — On November 30th, Wayne Hsiung, the attorney and co-founder of the animal rights organization Direct Action Everywhere (DxE), was sentenced to 90 days in jail and two-years probation in the Sonoma Open Rescue Trial involving mass actions to rescue suffering chickens and ducks from two animal factories.

Wayne Hsiung speaking to SxE supporters after a hearing of the trial
Wayne Hsiung Found GUILTY in the Sonoma Rescue Trial

The vegan activist Wayne Hsiung was found guilty of three charges of ‘trespass’ and ‘conspiracy to commit trespass’ in the Sonoma Rescue Trial, while the jury could not reach a unanimous verdict for a fourth charge. Los Angeles, November 3, 2023 — Wayne Hsiung, the attorney and co-founder of the animal rights organization Direct Action Everywhere (DxE), was found guilty of three of four charges in the Sonoma Rescue trial and immediately sent to jail with no bail.

Renee with cow
Rowdy Girl, the Film About a Cattle Rancher Who Went Vegan

The new documentary Rowdy Girl follows former Texas cattle ranchers Renee King-Sonnen and her husband Tommy on their journey to rescue animals and help other ranchers go vegan too. Hollywood, October 26th, 2023 — Rowdy Girl is a new feature-length documentary about a former country singer, Renee King-Sonnen, who turned her husband’s cattle ranch in Texas into a vegan sanctuary for rescued cows, pigs, chickens, turkeys and other animals.

woman and lost of cheese
Dear Vegetarian

Jordi Casamitjana, the author of the book Ethical Vegan, writes an open letter to vegetarians to help them transition to a vegan diet. London, October 21, 2023 Dear Vegetarian. We need to talk. First of all, I want to thank you.

The New Roots Institute Empowers Gen Z to End Factory Farming

The New Roots Institute is an American nonprofit empowering the next generation to end factory farming by giving them inspirational lessons Los Angeles, October 9th, 2023— Members of the youngest generations (Generation Z and Generation Alpha) are clearly alarmed over the state of the planet, the suffering of farmed animals, food injustice, and the public health crisis caused by animal agriculture.

Sonoma Rescue Trial Defense Can’t Show Animal Cruelty Video

The judge in the Sonoma rescue trial of animal rights activist Wayne Hsiung has ruled against allowing him to show videos of suffering ducks and chickens to the jury. Los Angeles, October 6th, 2023 — The attorney and animal rights activist Wayne Hsiung, co-founder of the animal rights group Direct Action Everywhere (DxE), will not be allowed to show the jury footage or even images of animals in distress, dying or dead, during his trial in Sonoma County.

One Woman’s Journey to Restoring India Back to The Land of Ahimsa

This film’s message? If India wants to be known as the Land of Ahimsa, it must return to its roots of non-violence towards all beings Arcadia, California, September 21st, 2023 – The Land of Ahimsa is a fascinating and deeply informative feature length film narrated by Dolly Vyas-Ahuja.

Youth Steering Committee at Washington DC
Why The Youth Steering Committee Wants Politicians to Support Plant-Based Foods

Youth Steering Committee members urge government officials to promote plant-based foods and stop pushing pro meat and dairy policies that threaten their futures by worsening the climate and human health  Los Angeles, September 14, 2023 — For a second year, a group of students belonging to the Youth Steering Committee (YSC) have traveled to Washington DC to talk to Senators, House Representatives, and other government officials urging them to stop subsidizing animal agriculture and start allowing more plant-based foods and dairy-free milk into America’s school systems.

Tula Elk at Point Reyes
Help California’s Tule Elk from Dying of Thirst Because of Animal Agriculture

Animal lovers nationwide are being urged to comment immediately to the National Park Service and endorse Plan “B” that would finally remove the 3-mile-long fence at Point Reyes National Seashore that’s killing Tule Elk.  Los Angeles, September 8th, 2023 — Animal lovers call it a race against time.