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Help put an end to large-scale animal factories! Sonoma County, California, could lead the nation by becoming the first U.S. county to ban Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) through a popular vote. More than 37,185 residents have already backed this initiative, showing their support for sustainable and humane farming practices.

Join award-winning traveler Eunice Reyes on a delicious journey around the globe in her acclaimed series, Vegan Travel with Eunice Reyes, now streaming on UnchainedTV. From the bustling streets of Mexico City to the sophisticated eateries of Singapore, Eunice reveals her top secrets to exploring the world’s best plant-based cuisine.

Miami Seaquarium Closing! After decades of protests and relentless campaigning by animal rights activists, Miami-Dade County officials have finally ordered the infamous Miami Seaquarium to shut down. This landmark decision comes after years of criticism over the treatment of marine animals, including the orca Lolita, who died in captivity last year.

All charges against all three defendants in the open rescue of three beagles from a laboratory dog breeding facility in Wisconsin were dropped days before the trial was set to begin. Los Angeles, March 14th, 2024 — It was a stunning eleventh hour reversal in a criminal case that stems all the way back to 2017.

After his success with What The Health, Cowspiracy, and Seaspiracy, Kip Andersen’s fourth documentary Christspiracy premieres in 600 theaters March 20th, 2024 Los Angeles, March 4th, 2024 — Kip Andersen has outdone himself… again. The man who brought us Cowspiracy, What The Health, and Seaspiracy is releasing another feature-length documentary, this one called Christspiracy.

Advances in animal-free fashion, featuring alternatives to feathers, fur, leather, wool and silk, are gradually sending animal-based materials into the dustbin of history. Los Angeles, February 22nd, 2024 — It’s the dream of every vegan, to wake up one day and discover that humans have stopped wearing fur, leather, wool, silk and feathers.