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Christspiracy Hits Theaters March 20th!

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After his success with What The Health, Cowspiracy, and Seaspiracy, Kip Andersen’s fourth documentary Christspiracy premieres in 600 theaters March 20th, 2024

Christpiracy screenshot
Courtesy Christspiracy

Los Angeles, March 4th, 2024 —  Kip Andersen has outdone himself… again. The man who brought us Cowspiracy, What The Health, and Seaspiracy is releasing another feature-length documentary, this one called Christspiracy. It promises to be even more controversial and thought-provoking than his previous films, which is saying a lot. Exhibit A: Andersen says he walked away from having this latest film on Netflix in order to stay true to the film’s message. “We just wouldn’t budge,” he explains. And, what is that mind-blowing message? You’ll have to watch Christspiracy to find out. That shouldn’t be difficult since it will be premiering in more than 600 theaters across the United States on Wednesday, March 20th and Sunday, March 24th. The experience could change your life. Andersen thinks his film could also transform Christianity itself.

Click Here to Buy Your Tickets to Christspiracy

This documentary plays like a thriller. “It was definitely frightening at times,” Andersen says of the process of making this film while carefully avoiding any hint of giving away the plot. Suffice it to say, the film starts with former gospel musician Kam Waters asking Andersen, “How would Jesus kill an animal?” This sends Andersen and Waters, who are the film’s co-directors, on a sometimes terrifying journey that uncovers a 2,000-year-old cover-up.  The unearthed narrative shatters conventional notions of what it means to be a Christian.

UnchainedTV’s Jane Velez-Mitchell talked to Kip Andersen about how this stunning and revealing film came to be made:

Religion: This Filmmaker’s Final Frontier

Kip Andersen
Kip Andersen

Kip Andersen became a filmmaker after watching the documentary An Inconvenient Truth and deciding he needed to refocus on saving the planet. He later discovered that animal agriculture is the leading cause of environmental destruction and narrowed his focus onto this key culprit. Together with Keegan Kuhn, he co-produced his first film, Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret, which became an overnight viral success. A new cut, executive produced by Leonardo DiCaprio, was exclusively released on Netflix in September of 2015. His second vegan-themed documentary was What The Health, which uncovers the secret to preventing and even reversing chronic diseases, and investigates why the nation’s leading health organizations don’t want the public to learn about this secret solution to so many of their health problems. With heart disease and cancer the leading causes of death in America, and diabetes at an all-time high, the film reveals the biggest health cover-up of our time. Andersen also produced Seaspiracy, about the victims of the fishing industry. Andersen is the founder of A.U.M. Films and Media, a 501c3 non-profit focused on creating films and media that promote thrivability, compassion, and harmony for all life. This is what he had to say about his fourth documentary Christspiracy:

“If you’ve seen the other films, this is the missing chapter. For me, I feel there are three pillars of impact — the environmental impacts, the health impacts, and the ethical impacts — of raising, killing, and consuming 70 billion land animals, not even counting fish. What impact do these have on our moral fabric, and our ethical fabric, the domino effect of what trickles down to an entire society of us human beings? So, I just feel it is so important to watch it, particularly at this time in history with how much disconnect there is.”

This documentary film challenges many of the commonplace narratives involving relationships between humans and animals in the context of spirituality and religion.  As for whether the film might anger some Christians, Andersen says, so far, that has not happened:

“We were surprised as we thought there would be quite a lot of fightback after they watched the film, but I think what happens is the name is triggering and as they thought it was going to be debunking or bashing Christianity, they were so pleasantly surprised that it is not.”

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Jessica Long daughter with her goat Cedar, photo Advancing Law for Animals

“All these different spiritualities and religions share one central thing: at the core root of this, we are all the same, we are all one. I feel that is such an important message at this time.” — Kip Andersen, filmmaker

They Didn’t Lose The Plot

Kam Waters co-director of Christpiracy
Kam Waters, co-director of Christspiracy

Andersen’s previous documentaries all made it onto Netflix, a milestone that’s the envy of many filmmakers. So, it says a lot about the explosive nature of Christspiracy’s storyline that Andersen and Waters walked away from the streaming powerhouse and opted, instead, for a nationwide theatrical release. Says Andersen,

“Originally the film title was actually called Cowspiritual, and it was a film on ethics, but as we got deeper into this story of Jesus, the narrative story of uncovering these things, we had to go deeper into that thread line of that particular story of Jesus and the Nazarene movement at the time. As we started getting deeper, they (Netflix) felt they wanted to go a different way than we wanted to go. And, there were some key things that they wanted to take out and we just wouldn’t.”

This independent approach has allowed Andersen and Waters to retain control of all of the hundreds of hours of footage they’ve amassed and which they plan to share with the public over time. He explains:

“We have so much extra footage that didn’t make in the film that they would have ended up keeping. So, now, we’re going to be able to release all the footage when we release it online and all these other small clips. We’re also doing a Pay-It-Forward campaign when we release it online. So, no matter if you have money or not, or a Netflix subscription, everyone in the world will be able to watch this film.”

“Somehow it had to be done, so there was never a moment we were going to stop, even though there were some moments in the film where you’d think so, but we were just like, ‘We’re doing this.’”— Kip Andersen, filmmaker

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