Animal Rights

Breaking Animal Rights News

While largely ignored by mainstream media in America, animal rights is exploding globally on social media and in the streets of cities around the world. Animal rights is premised on the belief that animals are entitled to their own lives, are not property, and do not exist to be exploited by humans for food, clothing, cosmetics, medical research, entertainment, or any other purpose.

At UnchainedTV, we uncover the latest in animal rights news, vegan news, and fashion, and share delicious recipes from vegan chefs. Our mission is to shine a spotlight on the ethical treatment of animals and the growing movement against animal cruelty. This movement is especially focused on modern, industrialized animal agriculture, where factory farms and slaughterhouses subject tens of billions of animals to violent, routine abuse and murder in a system of institutionalized sadism.

As an animal rights activist, you can learn what you can do to help animals by watching our comprehensive and engaging content. Discover how veganism plays a crucial role in reducing animal suffering and promoting wildlife conservation. Our shows feature in-depth investigations into factory farming, providing a behind-the-scenes look at the horrors that occur within these facilities. You’ll also find compelling stories and documentaries about the fight against animal testing and the push for more ethical treatment of animals in all aspects of society.

Join us as we explore the impact of animal rights activism on global consciousness. From street protests to social media campaigns, the movement is growing, and you can be a part of it. UnchainedTV offers a platform for activists to share their stories, strategies, and successes in the battle for animal rights. Learn about the latest legislative efforts to improve animal rights laws and how you can get involved in advocating for stronger protections.

Don’t miss out on our exclusive interviews with leading animal rights activists and experts who are at the forefront of this important movement. Get inspired by their dedication and find out how you can make a difference. Tune in to UnchainedTV today and take the first step towards a more compassionate and ethical world. Together, we can help end animal cruelty and promote a sustainable, vegan lifestyle that benefits all living beings.

Poster against Turkey's dog massacre
Stop Turkey’s Dog Massacre: A Plea to the Turkish Parliament

Stop Turkey’s Dog Massacre. That’s the plea dozens of animal welfare organizations are making to the Turkish Parliament in a desperate campaign to stop a Turkish government plan to SLAUGHTER FOUR MILLION stray dogs.  Los Angeles, California, July 19th, 2024 – The urgency in the voices of animal welfare advocates resonates deeply as Türkiye stands on the precipice of enacting measures that would lead to the death of millions of stray dogs and cats.

Ingrid Newkirk 75 birthday
PETA’s Ingrid Newkirk Celebrates Her 75th Birthday with a Call to Action

Ingrid Newkirk, the animal rights legend and President of PETA, celebrated her 75th birthday by urging people to take action for animals.  Los Angeles, July 2nd, 2024 —  PETA Co-Founder and President Ingrid Newkirk recently celebrated her 75th birthday, not with presents, cake or a vacation, but with a call to action for animals.

Gods in Shackles film
Gods in Shackles: Now Streaming for Free on UnchainedTV

Gods in Shackles takes viewers on a journey into the harrowing reality of captive elephants in India.  Tradition, commerce, and conservation are front and center, as is the stark contrast between the natural world and human exploitation. April 23rd, 2024, Fort Wayne, Indiana — Who speaks for innocent animals who cannot speak for themselves?

Activist from Animal Rising
Animal Rising Channel Now on UnchainedTV

The new Animal Rising Channel on UnchainedTV shows videos of the daring UK animal rights organization known for their press-grabbing, direct-action campaigns Los Angeles, April 11th, 2024 — In the last few years, activists with the famous UK animal rights group Animal Rising have repeatedly used dramatic protests to make front page headlines in British media.

Some of the key participants in the 2022 Vegan Women Summit (c)VWS
UnchainedTV’s Special Discount for Vegan Women Summit 2024 Tickets

You’re invited to join speakers, vendors and attendees on May 10th (with VIP access starting May 9th) at the 2024 Vegan Women Summit.  Engage with influential changemakers defining the next era of veganism at this high-energy summit. Los Angeles, March 8th, 2024 – Just in time for International Women’s Day, the countdown has begun for the highly anticipated 2024 Vegan Women Summit at West Hollywood’s sprawling Pacific Design Center.

Wayne Hsiung Appeals His Conviction for Open Rescues at Animal Factories

Wayne Hsiung was convicted and imprisoned for “conspiring” to rescue chickens and ducks from California animal factories. Now, he wants that conviction overturned. Los Angeles, California, January 18th, 2024 – Well-known animal rights leader and attorney Wayne Hsiung is appealing his conviction in a controversial animal rescue case that was extensively covered on UnchainedTV.

“Kangaroos Are NOT Shoes” Campaign Against ADIDAS is Gaining Momentum

The international campaign “Kangaroos Are NOT Shoes” targets ADIDAS for using kangaroo leather and is gaining momentum after a successful global day of action. Los Angeles, January 8th, 2024 —  The year 2024 kicked off with two major athletic footwear companies, Nike and Puma, implementing their pledge to stop using leather from kangaroos in their shoes.

UnchainedTV: Helping Make 2024 A Breakthrough Year for Animals!

Hollywood, California, January 1st, 2024 – To borrow from Charles Dickens, “It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.” While so many groundbreaking new vegan products are hitting the market, the number of animals being killed for food is still on the rise.

21-year old Zoe Rosenberg is cuffed and hauled to jail in Sonoma County.
3 More DxE Animal Rights Activists Arrested in Sonoma County, California

In a surprise move, law enforcement in Sonoma County suddenly appeared during a DxE protest march. The three animal rights activists arrested were demanding authorities investigate evidence of animal cruelty. Los Angeles, California, December 4th, 2023 – In what looks to be an escalation of hostilities against the animal rights movement, Sonoma County law enforcement interrupted a march by Direct Action Everywhere (DxE), a fast-growing animal liberation organization, to grab and cuff 3 animal rights activists and haul them off to jail.

Kip Andersen's new movie is Christspiracy
Christspiracy: Kip’s New Movie Exposes 2000-Year-Old Cover-Up 

Filmmaker Kip Andersen produced the wildly popular Seaspiracy, Cowspiracy, and What the Health. Now, he’s back with Christspiracy, his most astonishing movie yet. Hollywood, California November 2nd, 2023 – Kip Andersen has made a name for himself by asking really good questions and letting the trail take him wherever it leads.