Animal Rights

Breaking Animal Rights News

While largely ignored by mainstream media in America, animal rights is exploding globally on social media and in the streets of cities around the world. Animal rights is premised on the belief that animals are entitled to their own lives, are not property, and do not exist to be exploited by humans for food, clothing, cosmetics, medical research, entertainment, or any other purpose.

At UnchainedTV, we uncover the latest in animal rights news, vegan news, and fashion, and share delicious recipes from vegan chefs. Our mission is to shine a spotlight on the ethical treatment of animals and the growing movement against animal cruelty. This movement is especially focused on modern, industrialized animal agriculture, where factory farms and slaughterhouses subject tens of billions of animals to violent, routine abuse and murder in a system of institutionalized sadism.

As an animal rights activist, you can learn what you can do to help animals by watching our comprehensive and engaging content. Discover how veganism plays a crucial role in reducing animal suffering and promoting wildlife conservation. Our shows feature in-depth investigations into factory farming, providing a behind-the-scenes look at the horrors that occur within these facilities. You’ll also find compelling stories and documentaries about the fight against animal testing and the push for more ethical treatment of animals in all aspects of society.

Join us as we explore the impact of animal rights activism on global consciousness. From street protests to social media campaigns, the movement is growing, and you can be a part of it. UnchainedTV offers a platform for activists to share their stories, strategies, and successes in the battle for animal rights. Learn about the latest legislative efforts to improve animal rights laws and how you can get involved in advocating for stronger protections.

Don’t miss out on our exclusive interviews with leading animal rights activists and experts who are at the forefront of this important movement. Get inspired by their dedication and find out how you can make a difference. Tune in to UnchainedTV today and take the first step towards a more compassionate and ethical world. Together, we can help end animal cruelty and promote a sustainable, vegan lifestyle that benefits all living beings.

Silhouettes of people crowd expel the man from their community.
New Legal Fights to End Discrimination Against Vegans

Legal fights to end discrimination against vegans have taken place all over the world with different degrees of success, and some are happening right now Los Angeles, October 16, 2023 — As the number of vegans grows, so does the number of vegans who say they are experiencing discrimination in their workplace, in their schools, in hospitals and institutions and even on public streets during protests.

Sonoma Rescue Trial Defense Can’t Show Animal Cruelty Video

The judge in the Sonoma rescue trial of animal rights activist Wayne Hsiung has ruled against allowing him to show videos of suffering ducks and chickens to the jury. Los Angeles, October 6th, 2023 — The attorney and animal rights activist Wayne Hsiung, co-founder of the animal rights group Direct Action Everywhere (DxE), will not be allowed to show the jury footage or even images of animals in distress, dying or dead, during his trial in Sonoma County.

UnchainedTV logo on Samsung Smart TV
UnchainedTV: 5 Reasons Why This Plant-Based Streaming Network is a Game Changer

UnchainedTV does an end run around the mainstream media blackout on problems caused by Big Ag and offers plant-based solutions to tackle most of the world’s problems, from climate change to America’s health care crisis. Hollywood, California – October 3rd, 2023 – UnchainedTV, a free, plant-based streaming network founded by TV journalist and best-selling author Jane Velez-Mitchell, empowers individuals to make compassionate choices that benefit their health, animals, and the planet.

Here is a baby elephant with mom in the wild, where they belong. Courtesy Voice for Asian Elephants Society.
Why Elephant Rescue is Featured in 4 New Films Streaming on UnchainedTV

Is elephant rescue the key to preserving this iconic species from extinction as natural habitats are increasingly destroyed to make room for animal agriculture and industrialization? Hollywood, California, August 4th, 2023 – UnchainedTV is thrilled to present four inspiring, new, short films on elephant rescue, brought to us by the Voice for Asian Elephants Society, whose crusade to save elephants was recently heralded at NASDAQ.

Two animal rights books
Why 2 New Animal Rights Books Are Very Timely

Two fascinating, new, animal rights books address our current climate crisis and the need for legal personhood for animals Los Angeles, August 11th, 2023 — New Zealand author M C Ronen and American authors Sam and Cynthia Machado have produced two very different animal rights books.

Pig Little Lies
PBS Airs Pig Little Lies, an UnchainedTV Original

PBS airs Pig Little Lies on its APP. The UnchainedTV Original is being distributed to public television stations across the US and Canada Hollywood, July 25th – UnchainedTV is thrilled to announce that PBS is showing our network’s Original Series, reworked as a single documentary.

Dogs in a truck from Sumatra's Dog meat Trade (c)LFT
Global Backlash Aims to Stop Sumatra’s Dog Meat Trade

The animal rights organization Lady Freethinker has released new footage of Sumatra’s dog meat trade in Indonesia, sparking a global backlash Los Angeles, July 14th, 2023 — Nina Jackel, the vegan activist also known as Lady Freethinker who runs an animal rights media organization under the same name, is famous for coalescing a global response to injustice.

Pig at Porgreg farm in Canada
UPDATE: 11 Activists Who Exposed Canadian Pig Farm Horrors Are Sentenced

11 activists, 10 Canadian women and one US non-binary person, convicted for entering a pig farm in Quebec to expose the animal cruelty there, were just sentenced Updated: Los Angeles, June 23rd, 2023 — Three years after a group of eleven activists entered a pig breeding facility in Quebec, Canada, and live-streamed the horrific conditions, they finally received their sentences.

Come party for a fabulous cause: plant-based, sustainable movies and cooking shows!
Party Update: New Venice Location for UnchainedTV June 24th party!

This shindig you will dig. Fabulous, gourmet food, live music and more. Let’s party with purpose! Saturday, June 24th, VENICE, 6-9pm. UnchainedTV & Vegan Realty have joined forces to support the world’s ONLY free, nonprofit streaming TV network to promote the vegan lifestyle and animal rights.

Anja and Matej Glivar doing vegan activism
Vegan Couple Turn Wedding Day Into Animal Rights Protest & Movie

A vegan couple in Switzerland is making an animal rights documentary that includes protests, open rescues, and arrests, all around their vegan wedding day Los Angeles, May 25, 2023 —  Anja and Matej Glivar got married in Switzerland on April 4, 2022, in what is arguably one of the world’s wildest weddings ever!