PBS Airs Pig Little Lies, an UnchainedTV Original
PBS airs Pig Little Lies on its APP. The UnchainedTV Original is being distributed to public television stations across the US and Canada
Hollywood, July 25th – UnchainedTV is thrilled to announce that PBS is showing our network’s Original Series, reworked as a single documentary. You can watch it on PBS by clicking here. You can download it on the PBS app. And, look for it on your local PBS stations.
How the World’s First Reality Show Starring Pigs Became a Documentary
Pig Little Lies is a heart-warming and often hilarious look at the escapades of two
potbellied pigs, named Dante and Beatrice. After being dumped at the pound, and nearing the kill time, animal activist and country singer Simone Reyes enlists UnchainedTV for help. The two potbellied pigs are rescued in the nick of time and end up at the North Hollywood, California home/micro sanctuary of Cindy Brady, an animal lover and wildlife rehabber with no prior experience in pigs. “All this is REAL reality TV,” says UnchainedTV founder Jane Velez-Mitchell, who appears in the show. “We were looking for a compelling show to produce and I called Simone to discuss and she said, ‘I can’t talk right now. I’m racing to rescue two pigs who will die in a few hours if I don’t get them out. Can you help?’ And, I said to myself, ‘that’s our show.'” The brilliant, award-winning TV producer Eamonn McCrystal, of Inspired, then went into action as our Producer/Director. Jim Greenbaum, Cindy Landon and Sailesh Rao joined Velez-Mitchell as Executive Producers.
Spotlighting a Scam
To tell you much more would require a spoiler alter. Suffice it to say… mama is preggers. The rest you will just have to watch. While Pig Little Lies is lighthearted in its approach, it sends a serious message about the scam surrounding “micro pigs” and “pocket pigs” and “teacup pigs.” Scam artists are known to sell baby potbellied pigs to unsuspecting customers, falsely describing them as fully grown micro pigs. However, in reality, potbellied pigs can grow to 150 and, sometimes, even 200 pounds. Of course, the results are tragic for the animals involved. However, this story has a happy ending.
Showcasing Animal Activism
So much of animal activism takes place behind the scenes. People like Simone Reyes, working the phones to orchestrate pick ups from shelters or auction houses. In fact, even as I called Simone for a quote on this story, she was rescuing a racehorse that was scheduled to be shipped across U.S. borders to be slaughtered on foreign soil. Simone took a moment out of the successful rescue of that horse to tell UnchainedTV this about Pig Little Lies
“Animal advocates often don’t even get to meet the animals we save. It’s beyond thrilling to be able to save the lives of these pigs and to keep this bonded pair together.” And, for all of us at UnchainedTV, it’s beyond thrilling to share that story with the world through PBS. So, click here and watch it now! Also, share it out via the links provided.
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Jane Velez-Mitchell is an award-winning TV journalist and New York Times best-selling author. She is the founder of UnchainedTV and the host of several shows on the network.