KIOSCERT is now a BeVeg International Authorized Certification Body.
KIOSCERT is an international system, product certification, inspection, and training services. KIOSCERT was established to bring a new dynamism to the service sector in line with the needs of our developing world.
BeVeg is the world’s only ISO accredited vegan technical standard, trademark and program, which makes it the most reliable vegan trademark claim on the global marketplace. BeVeg is an ISO/IEC 17065 accredited certification standard built in accordance with ISO/IEC 17067 as a conformity assessment programme and accredited by the National Accreditation Centre (NAC)
BeVeg helps to prevent and reduce consumable products and services of animal origin, to avoid animal exploitation, and to minimize the possibility of any cross-contamination with animal material. The standard has applications in many areas such as food, cosmetics, alcohol, pharmaceuticals, restaurants and textiles
KIOSCERT is now authorized according to the BeVeg Vegan Standard and is proud to announce a partnership with BeVeg. KIOSCERT ads to other certification bodies authorized by BeVeg International worldwide.