Do Plantbased Businesses Bring in the Big Bucks? Elysabeth Alfano Finds Out!

The time has come for a show that focuses on the leaders creating solutions to the industries that are crippling our health and our economy: meat and dairy. The Plantbased Business Hour launched March 19, 2020.
Contributor and Veteran Journalist Elysabeth Alfano created the Plantbased Business Hour because, with the exception of Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods, targeted plant-based business and innovation news is missing in the mainstream media. During this time of incredible stress and worry, consumers and investors want news and insight as to how many are working to create a better future for us through their plantbased business models and products. On the Plantbased Business Hour, Elysabeth talks to the plantbased business leaders who are working on a safer food supply for a safer future: plant-based foods.
Tune in to hear from venture capitalists, CEOs, inventors, analysts, entrepreneurs, start-ups, and leaders in the traditional meat and dairy spaces who are launching new initiatives as they look towards progress and profitable new product lines. The Plantbased Business Hour runs weekdays at 1p PT on the Jane UnChained FB Live Page. The Plantbased Business Hour will be reposted to the Elysabeth Alfano YouTube and LinkedIn pages, the Elysabeth Afano Radio Show FB Page, the Awesome Vegans Podcast platforms (Apple, Google, iHeart, Stitcher, etc.) and below.
Plantbased Business represents big money. Plant-based Business also represents the big solution. And we need just that. We need large-scale solutions as we pay a heavy, heavy cost on our health, our economy and the health of the planet during the Coronavirus, just as we have during other meat-borne pandemics.
So join me LIVE at 1p PT every weekday for the Plantbased Business Hour. Share your comments, questions and time with me and the business innovators and leaders creating a new future. The Plantbased Business Hour is the best way to keep your finger on the pulse of the dynamic, impact-oriented, money-making, plant-based business world!
2020 is the year of Vegan Chicken! Mechanical Engineer and CEO of Rebellyous Foods, Christie Lagally, explains how she takes on the largest sector of the meat industry (Chicken) by creating a delicious chicken nugget that can scale up in volume and scale down in price to truly replace chicken production. She talks food and engineering the machinery for large scale production.
A NASA research gig turns into a discovery of a lifetime….will microbes feed the world? CEO of Nature’s Fynd, Thomas Jonas explains how all protein comes from plants and microbes and that microbes will become our efficient, nutritious, and prolific food supply of the future.
Co-CEO and Co-Founder of GoodDot (India), Abhishek Sinha joins me on the PLANTBASED BUSINESS HOUR to discuss veganism in India, the cultural pros and cons to embracing same and GoodDot’s exploding business beyond Asia.
Is it enough to buy plant-based items when our tax dollars support meat and dairy subsidies? If meat and dairy is propped up by subsidies giving them unfair competitivie advantage, are we really a capitalist economy? Connie Spence of Agriculture Fairness Alliance and the Vegan Justice League Explains.
Jeffrey Harris, Co-CEO and Co-Founder of Plant Power Fast Food joins me on the PLANTBASED BUSINESS HOUR to talk about sales during Coronavirus, the beauty of a dedicated, loyal customer base and what he does in the face of fear. For a dose of inspiration and motivation, listen in!
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