First Time Bearing Witness at a Slaughterhouse
July 7, 2017

What’s it like to bear witness at a slaughterhouse? This is Amitis Frances Ariano‘s first experience bearing witness with Los Angeles Animal Save as pigs in transport trucks reach their final destination. #JaneUnChained  Toronto Pig Save
Bearing witness with Los Angeles Animal Save as these pigs make their final journey to be slaughtered tonight. Loving and compassionate activists give water to thirsty pigs only moments before this truck enters the slaughterhouse and then we hear the sounds of them screaming. They instinctively know this will not be good
Pigs crammed into a truck outside a slaughterhouse in Los Angeles only moments before their deaths.
Thirsty pigs taking water from activists bearing witness outside a slaughterhouse in Los Angeles.
Pig’s thirst is greater than their fear of humans, when water is presented to them.
When pigs realize there is water for them, they place their snouts at the openings in the transport trucks bound for slaughter.
Activists bearing witness and giving pigs water, as a final act of kindness, only moments before slaughter.
The message from the “Batman Light” on the building says, “If you don’t buy, they don’t die. Â Please stop paying people to kill animals. Stop Cruelty – Go Vegan. Los Angeles Animal Save.
Transport truck filled with pigs moves away from the activists and enters the slaughterhouse. Â In a few minutes, the truck will come out empty. Â Bearing witness at this moment is very hard because for the activists, who only moments ago gave these pigs water, there is a profound sadness knowing that these pigs are now on the killing floor because we can hear their final screams.
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Jane Velez-Mitchell
Jane Velez-Mitchell is an award-winning TV journalist and New York Times best-selling author. She is the founder of UnchainedTV and the host of several shows on the network.

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Imagine being one, the unfortunates. The horrific fright. The cold brutality. The smells. The sounds. The humans, so callous. And Death, in all its agony. It’s why I’m angry; because I do imagine. It’s why we’re vegan; because we empathize. We care.
Strength and courage to the activists.
Peace to the victims.
Hell to all the rest.
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How many have to die before we realize its wrong to kill animals?!?!?!?! <3 :'(
The world is such a horrible place for animals. Humans eat and torture them and feel justified in doing so. Looking into the eyes of these poor animals…. innocent… than murdered. Tears.
toughen up! have you tasted how good bacon is!? it is just a way of life so suck it up and move on!