The Save Movement

Vegan Earth Day March poster
Vegan Earth Day March Was a Hit in Over 22 Countries

For the first time in history, marches in over 22 countries took place on April 22, 2023, as part of the Vegan Earth Day March global event Los Angeles, April 23rd, 2023 — The Vegan Earth Day March is a new international public event that was simultaneously staged on April 22, 2023, Earth Day, in more than 50 cities over 22 countries.

Image of a joyous woman
International Women’s Day & Vegansim!

Toronto, Canada, March 8, 2023  – International Women’s Day  & Veganism Editorial by Anita Krajnc –  Greta Thunberg tweeted the world’s 4th most popular tweet in late 2022 when she exposed Andrew Tate’s male toxicity; a combination of misogyny and wanton consumption.

Plant Based Treaty 1.5 logo with vegan food in city background
Plant Based Treaty Urges Cities & Institutions: Go Vegan

The Plant Based Treaty urges cities and institutions to take real action to address meat’s role in the climate crisis.  Los Angeles, January 16, 2023 — To spur institutions into urgent action, the Canadian-based vegan campaigning group Plant Based Treaty is starting 2023 with a new focus.

Plant Based Treaty website
Victory! Los Angeles City Council Endorses the Plant Based Treaty

Los Angeles City Council unanimously endorses the Plant Based Treaty to urgently address the climate emergency Los Angeles, October 21st, 2022, 12:30 pm – It’s a moment that may well go down in the history of humanity’s battle against climate change.

Top view of natural vitamin supplement on white spoon as frame of marble texture background
The Nutritional Supplements Industry Has a Transparency Problem

The nutritional supplements industry is not very vegan or environmentally friendly. But, the new company Terraseed is trying to change that. Los Angeles, September 14th, 2022, 9am –If you are vegan, you may supplement your diet with vitamin B12 or Omega 3 —as I do.

Protest against pig slaughterhouse Farmer John
L.A.’s Pig Slaughterhouse ‘Farmer John’ to Close Down

Farmer John pig slaughterhouse, the largest pig slaughterhouse on the US West Coast, has announced it is shutting down in a few months. The Farmer John slaughterhouse, a 10-minute drive from downtown Los Angeles, is adorned with a long mural of happy pigs frolicking in the grass.

What the heck is going with the COP26 meat menu?

COP26 MEAT MENU: OFFICIAL EMBARRASSMENT!     KUDOS TO THE BIG ISSUE & WASHINGTON POST FOR REPORTING ON COP26 MEAT MENU HYPOCRISY! Can you say Cop26 Cop-Out? Or maybe it’s #CopOut26! We don’t often quote this extensively from another publication, but this insightful Washington Post story deserves a chunky quote.

Activist with placards and banners demonstrating in Italy for the Plant Based Treaty
UK MPs Urged to Endorse the Plant Based Treaty

14 Members of Parliament Support the Plant Based Treaty In her inimitable way, climate activist Greta Thunberg recently dismissed the world’s business-as-usual politicians with a perfectly delivered line. “Blah, blah, blah,” is how the acclaimed vegan teenager summarized the half-measures of Presidents and Prime Ministers, measures that are getting us nowhere but hotter, drier, and more desperate.

Plant Based Treaty Launches Globally. Genesis Butler endorses it!
Plant Based Treaty Launches Globally

The Plant Based Treaty Launched on August 31st, 2021 People in cities around the world are hearing a brand new phrase that may well help the human race survive climate change! The Plant Based Treaty is modeled on the popular Fossil Fuel Treaty.

Regan Russell Animal Activist
Remembering Regan Russell A Year after Her Death!

A Year After Her Tragic Dead, Vegans Around the World Remember Regan Russell A year has passed, and the memory is still fresh. On Friday, June 19, 2020, the Canadian animal rights activist Regan Russell was killed during a vigil outside of a pig slaughterhouse in Ontario, Canada.