Tell Governor Brown to Sign AB 485!
 #JaneUnChained at Love Always Animal Sanctuary in Los Angeles, California where Earthlings director Shaun Monson, American Idol‘s Amy Jean Davis and sanctuary executive Nickie Mingarelli urge everyone to immediately email Governor Jerry Brown at:
Urge him to sign AB 485, the Pet Rescue & Adoption Act to save millions of dogs, cats and rabbits from being killed in shelters! It requires that all California stores only offer dogs, cats & rabbits from shelters and rescues. Please email the governor NOW!
Bonsai is the loving dog who became the face of AB 485, featured in a #JaneUnChained story about how healthy shelter dogs are dying because breeders keep churning out dogs for profit, depriving rescues of homes! He was rescued (then named Leroy) from the Carson shelter by the Love Always Sanctuary at the very moment the California Senate was voting unanimously in favor of AB 485! Hear his story in the above video. FYI, Bonsai needs a forever home!
We can put puppy mills out of business forever. To do that Governor Brown needs to sign AB 485. Please email him now at:  Â
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Jane Velez-Mitchell is an award-winning TV journalist and New York Times best-selling author. She is the founder of UnchainedTV and the host of several shows on the network.
Please sign AB 485.
~ Already emailed ~ Brilliant and beautiful video ~ Thank you Jane, Shaun, Amy and Nickie Mingarelli ~ Had to share ~ mgf