Leave Animals Out Of Circuses Now!

#JaneUnChained #LIVE as animal lovers fight to protect animals from the horrors of circuses by supporting SB 313, which would ban the use of animals in circuses in California! We are at California Capitol Building in Sacramento with Social Compassion In Legislation (SCIL) and PETA, trying to get animals out of circuses in California once and for all! When that happens, it will sweep the nation and the world!

Senator Henry Stern explains that it is time to move past the barbaric practice of possessing animals and utilizing them for our entertainment. He specifically cites the use of electric light shows with animals that are forced to perform unnatural acts for the entertainment of circus goers. Stern says we should evolve and set a precedence in the State of California for the rest of the country. Judie explains after the successful hearing that animals are not ours for entertainment. She mentioned earlier in the hearing, the circus that stopped the use of animals in their acts, still have flourishing businesses. Jane explains that her mother was in the circus and she was forced to ride an elephant and it broke her heart. The victory in the hearing room this day will make leaps and strides for animals that are currently being held against their will and forced to perform for audients. It’s time to take the cruelty out of all forms of entertainment. Using unwilling participants in shows is not entertainment, it’s violence.

Circus representatives are invited on to respond at any time.

Great info, thank you .