Celebrities Attend Pig Vigil & Bear Witness as Baby Pigs Head to Slaughter!
May 5, 2018

#JaneUnChained LIVE at a slaughterhouse near downtown Los Angeles with the local Los Angeles Animal Save, part of the international The Save Movement. whereby nearly 100 activists are bearing witness to the moral atrocity of thousands of baby pigs stacked in metal crates being trucked to their deaths. Reporters Paige Parsons Roache and Patrizia Mari Barretto get up close and personal with these sentient beings, while also interviewing multiple activists, including organizer and former contestant on American Idol Amy Jean Davis, as well as Shaun Monson, director of the incredible movies “EARTHLINGS” and “UNITY”. Weekly, many activists, like Bobby Sud, director of the vegan travel show “The Road Less Eaten,” starring activist/actress Ally Iseman, show up and give these sentient beings compassion, love and water during their last moments. Similarly, other activists attend regularly, including Alexandra Paul, the incredible actress from the television show Baywatch as well as 100 movies and TV performances. Alongside are major animal activists/social media influencers Hannah Fenton and RealRawReyna of VeganShirt.com
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Jane Velez-Mitchell
Jane Velez-Mitchell is an award-winning TV journalist and New York Times best-selling author. She is the founder of UnchainedTV and the host of several shows on the network.
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