Vegan Outreach

3 UnchainedTV shows with wildly different approaches to vegan outreach are Vintage Veg, Jamie’s Corner, and The UNcooking Show, all hosted by talented vegans Los Angeles, August 6th, 2023 — Vegan outreach is a form of activism that aims to persuade strangers that going vegan would be a very good decision for themselves, other humans, animals, and the environment.

New research from Faunalytics could help turn people vegan by looking at how different U.S. groups feel about taking action to help animals Los Angeles, June 23, 2023 — The nonprofit research organization Faunalytics has surveyed thousands of Americans about how likely they would be to try several pro-animal actions, such as giving up meat, becoming vegan, or buying cruelty-free products.

A vegan couple in Switzerland is making an animal rights documentary that includes protests, open rescues, and arrests, all around their vegan wedding day Los Angeles, May 25, 2023 — Anja and Matej Glivar got married in Switzerland on April 4, 2022, in what is arguably one of the world’s wildest weddings ever!

Vegan activist Curtis Vollmar was found guilty of criminal trespass and disorderly conduct after leafleting at a park in Utah. Los Angeles, April 28th, 2023 — Beaver County Judge Shadrach Bradshaw found Curtis Vollmar, a vegan activist from the animal rights organization Direct Action Everywhere (DxE), guilty of criminal trespass and disorderly conduct after he was confronted by police while leafleting about Smithfield Foods, at a park in Utah.
Meet The Authority on Systemic Change in Food #TimesUp Big Food. Systemic change is urgently needed to fix the catastrophe that is…. modern-day food consumption! Everyone knows it! Even guys huddled in man caves watching ESPN and scarfing down hot dogs are aware that something is VERY WRONG with the way we eat.