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Loud and Clear Voices for the Animals: Official Animal Rights March Los Angeles!
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Loud and Clear Voices for the Animals: Official Animal Rights March Los Angeles!


#JaneUnChained LIVE for the Official Animal Rights March in Los Angeles, California, part of a global uprising for animals with marches also happening in London, United Kingdom, Luxembourg, Luxembourg & Washington, District of Columbia! We begin with speeches before taking off to march! Speaking for PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), is Christina Sewell, LA Animal Services Commissioner Roger Wolfson, Mar Lene with Love Always sanctuary, Los Angeles Animal Save & American Idol’s Amy Jean Davis, and Gwenna Hunter of Vegan Outreach.

The speeches commence with Christina Sewell of PETA, and she discusses the wonderful progress that has been made in the clothing/fashion history. Fur is going out of fashion thanks to each campaign and undercover investigation against the industry. We are getting closer to enforcing a fur ban in Los Angeles following other cities like San Francisco and many countries around the world like Germany and Croatia. Progress is happening. Change is happening, and it is thanks to the efforts of people who speak up and use their strength to make that change.

Next Cory Mac of Progress for Science, which is a grassroots organization that fights against vivisection, the process of using live animals for experimentation/animal testing. They have made strides to stop animal testing and are currently helping push the Cruelty-Free Cosmetics Act SB 1249 which is currently under review by the state of California Assembly Members. Please call your Assembly member today and keep asking them to pass this act. See the related article for information about calling your assembly members! Cory is also involved in the Free Billy Campaign, hoping to free the lone male elephant at the LA Zoo. She also asks the crowd to also spread their activism to other intersectional issues like the homeless crisis in Los Angeles and countless others.

See more speeches below!



The speeches continue with Amy Jean Davis of LA Animal Save, and she explains how The Save Movement started in Canada with Anita Kranjc giving water to pigs suffering in trucks being transported to slaughterhouses. She also explains the meaning of “bearing witness,” which means that when you see a being in pain and suffering you don’t look away. You come closer, as close as you can to help comfort them. You also take photos and videos to share on social media to show the world what is happening to them. People who see these photos and videos are effected in several ways by them, from wanting change for these animals, altering their actions to help make that change, and feeling inspired to come to the vigils and bear witness in person in their areas.  There are over 450 Save Movement groups worldwide, so please find the Save Movement group in your area today on their website and get active if you can!

Up next, Gwenna Hunter, the founder of Vegans of LA, a community event organizer for Vegan Outreach, and contributor for Jane Unchained gets on the mic! She talks to people who are not yet vegan and talks to them about veganism and issues like climate change. She bravely navigates through the treacherous tides of people that are often times against her, and she meets them at their level to help gently guide them to change. Gwenna explains the moment she started connecting to the animals in a dream about a cow that literally touched her heart. She learned later, how all creatures are sentient,  can possess different personality traits, and have cognitive abilities. She says something incredibly profound of people that meet us in opposition and heckle us about eating animals and animal products. She says to remember that they are victims as well just like the animals, because they are victims of conditioning and society. She says to make sure that we all leave a beautiful, peaceful, loving impression of veganism with every person we meet. Just keep the curse words, suggestive gestures, and yelling inside! Very well said Gwenna Haha!


Don’t Miss the next video featuring Celebrity Activist Simone Reyes and Roger Wolfson, the L.A. Commissioner of Animal Services!



Simone Reyes, longtime celebrity activist, works with Social Compassion in Legislation to make it illegal to harm animals! Last year, they were able to ban the sale of puppy mill puppies and bred rabbits. Simone is helping work towards the passing of SB 1249 the Cruelty-Free Cosmetics Act, and she is also working on other legislation towards helping animals like legislation requiring vegan meal options in prisons and hospitals, and the Iconic African Species Protection Act, which makes it illegal to own trophy hunting pieces brought back from Africa. She says we have to push against federal legislation that hurts animals and keep asking our elected officials to say not in California. 

Next, one of the Commissioner of Animal Services for Los Angeles, Roger Wolfson, who is the former council to several political figures including big names like John Kerry, Ted Kennedy, tv writer, civil rights lawyer, and a vegan speaks to the crowd.  He was here that day to talk about a dog named Cargo who was found on the streets of Los Angeles and appeared to have been sexually assaulted and passed away due to those injuries. It is only a misdemeanor to commit a sexual crime to an animal and other cruelty to animals like poisoning them. Roger is calling for us to make these crimes against non-human animals felonies. We have to get everyone involved to help make this change happen!

Aylam Orian an organizer of National Animal Rights Day (NARD) goes on briefly to announce that he hopes everyone will attend NARD. NARD is in several cities worldwide He encourages everyone to please follow them on Facebook and come out for NARD next June!

Last but certainly not least, our very own Jane Velez-Mitchell of Jane Unchained News Network (JNN) seizes the moment and talks about how people are marching around the world on this day. Furthermore, Jane Unchained News Network, a 501c3 nonprofit, that is using social media to cover these marches and to spread the message of animal rights and cruelty-free lifestyles every day! Speak to your personal network by using your phone to get online and share everything you can, advocating for peace. This is includes, “peace on your plate,” the term coined by Patty Shenker, and peace in all of your life choices to save the animals and the planet. To be a Jane Unchained contributor go to Jane’s Facebook Page and send her a message. Go LIVE and spread the word to everyone to normalize nonviolence!


Jane Velez-Mitchell Reporting LIVE for Jane Unchained News Network.

We invite any mentioned industries or companies mentioned to respond at any time.

Pictures Courtesy of Paige Parsons Roache, Renée Markinovich, Cory Mac, Josh Goldstein, Ellen Dent, and the Official Animal Rights Day L.A. 2018 Facebook Page.


The Official Animal Rights March in Los Angeles was also a memorial for the activist, Matt Phelps, who passed away recently. Matt devoted over a decade of his life to activism. Rest in Peace to this warrior for change.


Simone and Jane wave the Vegan flag and the American Flag in unison. The future is coming and the future is VEGAN!!!



Simone Reyes, Cory Mac, Roger Wolfson pose, and a group of the organizers pose together for a great pic!


Robin Skoglund showcases her amazing piece of art that doubles as a power sign for activism! Absolutely incredible!


Plenty of awesome young activists were in attendance! The next generation will be vegan if we have anything to say about it!


Mar Lene takes the mic as she leads the Official Animal Rights March L.A. speeches. She may be little, but she is a powerhouse activist for the animals!


See Also
Rooney Mara Jenny Desmond and Kate Mara

Christina Sewell speaks about how the fashion industry is slowly transitioning away from fur and cruelty in general.



Amy Jean Davis gives an inspirational and emotional speech about bearing witness and participating in Save Movement vigils. We know it’s just the hormones because she’s pregnant 😉


Gwenna Hunter gives her inspirations speech about choosing kindness of hatefulness when helping guide non vegans.


Jane always rises to the occasion as she empowers other to broadcast their experiences and advocate for the animals and the planet through cruelty-free living!


Patty Shenker, the woman who coined the phrase “peace begins on your plate” throws a piece sign as she gives a speech for the animals!


Activists rally in Pan Pacific Park in LA.
Veganism= Feminism and Animals are Friends NOT Food. We couldn’t agree more!


The truth could not scream any louder from these signs. Please Go Vegan today!


Stronger together. So many groups and all there for one reason to raise awareness of animal cruelty,  and save those who cannot save themselves.








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