The Pope is Urged to Go Vegan for Lent for $1-Million to Charity!
BREAKINGNEWS #JaneUnchained scores the first LIVE interview with the 12-year old girl who is offering the Pope ONE MILLION DOLLARS to the charity of his choice, if the pontiff agrees to switch to a vegan diet for Lent! Her name is Genesis Butler and she is making headlines around the world. Genesis For Animals- A Vegan Child’s Journey: Genesis Butler is the world’s youngest TedX talker. She has asked Pope Francis to go #Vegan for Lent for the animals, human health and the survival of our planet.  JNN Correspondent Elysabeth Alfano of Awesome Vegans with Elysabeth Alfano Podcast/Vlog reports live from the young lady’s bedroom in Long Beach! Hear what her strategy is to get the leader of the Catholic world to switch to a compassionate, plant-based diet. We are certain that, if he tries it out, he’ll never go back to eating animals. After all, he is named after the patron saint of animals: St Francis of Assisi. Check out Million Dollar Vegan or go to
Check out some of the headlines this 12-year old is making around the globe with her captivating offer!
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Jane Velez-Mitchell is an award-winning TV journalist and New York Times best-selling author. She is the founder of UnchainedTV and the host of several shows on the network.