
Hollywood actors Kate Mara, Rooney Mara, and Jamie Bell attended a West Hollywood event to help save Liberia’s chimps Los Angeles, December 15th, 2024 — If only for a brief night, the spotlight in West Hollywood shifted from glitz and glamour to compassion and conservation as Liberia Chimpanzee Rescue and Protection (LCRP) hosted a memorable fundraiser.

Anti-whaling campaigner Captain Paul Watson sits in jail as activists rally to stop his extradition to Japan from Denmark Los Angeles, October 31st, 2024 — International pressure is mounting against Denmark as activists from across the globe demand the immediate release of Captain Paul Watson, the celebrated anti-whaling crusader and co-founder of Greenpeace and Sea Shepherd.

The citizens of Los Angeles are expressing their opposition to California’s Department of Fish and Wildlife’s plan to bulldoze LA’s Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve Los Angeles, November 24, 2023 — Despite a judge having ruled against it, California’s Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) seems determined to try and forge ahead with its very destructive and highly unpopular plan to bulldoze LA’s Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve over a period of about a decade. Located near Marina del Rey, it’s home to upwards of 2,000 species of animal and plant wildlife, with possibly more than a million sentient beings living there.

14 Members of Parliament Support the Plant Based Treaty In her inimitable way, climate activist Greta Thunberg recently dismissed the world’s business-as-usual politicians with a perfectly delivered line. “Blah, blah, blah,” is how the acclaimed vegan teenager summarized the half-measures of Presidents and Prime Ministers, measures that are getting us nowhere but hotter, drier, and more desperate.

The Netherlands Considers Cutting Livestock by Almost a Third This is huge! Civil servants at the Dutch Finance and Agriculture Ministry are proposing to reduce livestock numbers by almost a third. Yes, you read it right! If it happens, this may be the first country to cut livestock numbers to solve an environmental crisis.

America Must Create Wildlife Corridors Think about all the wild animals grappling with extreme heat, drought, wildfires…and the destruction of their land for cattle ranching, factory farms or infrastructure. There is a way to help them. Across the United States, politicians are debating wildlife corridors to help wild animals naturally move from one area to another.