Learn How To Be A Vegan Coach With Alex Bez!

#JaneUnChained #LIVETALK with Alex Bez! Alex is an international animal rights educator and activist. After leaving a successful career as a Corporate Sales Director, Alex created Amazing Vegan Outreach (AVO), a non-profit organization dedicated to providing professional learning and development services for animal rights activists. AVO’s workshops, webinars, videos and speeches, focused on effective communication and animal rights advocacy have reached hundreds of thousands of people worldwide.
AVO was founded in February 2018. In just under a year, AVO delivered workshops in 34 different cities. Over 900 activists who attended those workshops learned how to coach people toward veganism and avoid falling into unproductive and frustrating debates. The workshops are all free to activists, and Alex has taken his high-level sales skills to create programs for activists to learn how to sell veganism effectively. His approach gives people the choice to align veganism with their values and life goals. “Good coaches challenge and they push their coachees.” Sometimes the approach to invite people to change their behaviors is more aggressive but it should always be a collaborative effort. Alex also employs the Socratic Method, which uses a series of questions in order to make the person being counseled think about their perspectives and if they align with their moral compass.Â
It is great watching Alex in action when a caller calls into the VoiceAmerica Show. Alex gives the caller, Little Feather, who is looking to transition from ovo-lacto vegetarianism to veganism the tools that she needs to make that transition. He also recommends the documentaries Earthlings and Dominion so she can see what happens behind the walls of the meat industry. After seeing documentaries like those she can decide if she wants to contribute to an industry that systematically tortures and kills animals. Make 2019 the year that veganism goes mainstream by learning the techniques Alex teaches activists as part of Amazing Vegan Outreach, and help others transition to veganism!
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Tune into Jane’s VoiceAmerica show every Monday at 10 a.m. PST.