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Shop and Save Shelter Animals from Death!
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Shop and Save Shelter Animals from Death!

Their mission to partner with nonprofit rescues and save animals!

SHOPFORRESCUES.COM JUST WENT 100% CRUELTY-FREE! JaneUnChained VoiceAmericaRadio simulcast! Owner Eric Turk reveals the transformation that inspired him to make his amazing online retail outline store – – 100% cruelty-free! This may well be the FIRST cruelty-free online pet supplies retailer using a socially responsible business model known as compassionate commerce!!! He donates 27% of sales to animal rescue groups! History is being made now! Eric has just made the switch and is now reaching out to compassionate pet owners to share his vision! Please share this show! 

This site is amazingly organized with wonderful products for you and your 4-legged family members.
Eric explains he and a friend with a background in nonprofit work decided to open this revolutionary business after finding out that every year 2.5 million dogs in shelters are euthanized. He is overwhelmed by emotion just talking about it. He is also emotional when he describes the fate of animals who lose their lives in order to be consumed by humans. He felt the connection with farmed animals as he watched a video of someone bidding farewell to cows on their way to slaughter. He realized there is no difference and there is also no need to hurt those creatures any more than the companion animals he sought out to help in his business. For that reason, Eric decided to follow his gut feeling become the first of its kind all-vegan cruelty-free online store! You can help support this wonderfully compassionate man and save countless animals by buying from his online shop at the link below! Make your money count for an amazing cause today!
Buy all of your holiday gifts for you and your friend’s furry companions!
The site even has a map where you can see the hundreds of rescues by species of animal that they donate to!


“I am an animal lover… and my heart is broken regularly… all too often it’s filled with sadness for animals that are not loved or treated with kindness and respect.” – Eric Turk
Visit Shop for Rescues and save animals!
Get your cat toys and treats today!


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