Trophy hunting


IF YOU REALLY LOVE ANIMALS… TAKE THIS EASY ACTION RIGHT NOW! This is an urgent call for ALL animal lovers to take 5 minutes to send an automatic support letter that will help the chances of a handful of crucial pro-animal proposed laws going up before committees of the California Legislature this coming week!

CALL California’s Governor: Help Animals!

#JaneUnChained #LIVETALK CALIFORNIANS… ANIMALS NEED YOUR HELP NOW! There are 7 bills on California Governor Gavin Newsom‘s desk that he needs to sign.  LET HIM KNOW! CALL THE GOV at: 916 445-2841, press 1 and then 6 SAY: I SUPPORT THE 7 pro animal bills on Governor Newsom’s desk.

Demonstrators Rally Against Trophy Hunting In Las Vegas!

“Not Your Trophy!” is the message these Las Vegas Worldwide Rally Against Trophy Hunting – WRATH protesters have for the Safari Club International – SCI outside the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino. They want trophy hunting banned for good!