New stunners in the #JodiArias re-trial to decide if she should live or die. After spending 18 days on the stand in a globally televised trial in which she was convicted, why did the judge suddenly allow Jodi Arias to testify in secret in the ongoing penalty phase to see if she lives or dies? An appeals court has ruled the secret testimony was improper. So, what happens if this convicted killer takes the stand again? Will the media and the public get to see her performance? Also, could pornography cause this case to be overturned? Beth Karas of brings us the latest from Phoenix where she has been monitoring the twists and turns in the courtroom.
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Jane Velez-Mitchell is an award-winning TV journalist and New York Times best-selling author. She is the founder of UnchainedTV and the host of several shows on the network.
Ms Mitchell, please don’t close your eyes to the truth–it is your business, no?…/news-the-two-most-prestigious-…/
First off Jane why is your show not on anymore ? I miss you dearly. Thank you for all the animal rights you are involved in ! I couldn’t find another place to post this. I hope Jodi gets death for what she did. Wish the trail was being televised. Wishing you and your puppies a very Merry Christmas and may the new year be a beautiful one filled with with many happy journeys for you. God bless you for everything you do. Miss you !!! What are you doing now ? ??
I live in Kansas and i can’t find your news show what’s up ?
Juan Martinez should be disbarred for knowing deleting Jodie Arias’s evidence.
Jane, you left out a lot of inconvenient facts. First, Jodi first appeared in the media after it was suggested by jail personnel. As a reporter, you must know what lengths a good reporter will go to to get a story. Jodi became the perfect femme fatale, and remains in the media because of this fact, not because of her own p.r. skills. Next, Jodi had not received death threats and been under the entire world’s scrutiny when she made those appearances on 48 Hours and Inside Edition. So her asking for the media not to view her testimony is valid on this count and others. Tell me, Jane, if you were being accused of such a crime, and could not afford a private attorney, and didn’t even have a public defender, as Jodi didn’t in the beginning, would you take any route you could to get your story out in hopes that someone might help?
Also, the importance of the porn is that it appears highly likely that Mesa PD, complicit or not complicit with Juan Martinez either willfully or accidentally tampered with this most important exculpatory evidence. That’s not how fair and true justice is given to the victim and family. It’s what a greedy, egotistical, starstruck prosecutor does. He tries to win at all costs. Truly guilty of the crime as charged, or a lesser charge, Jodi should be given a new trial or other remedy.