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Largest CUBE OF TRUTH in the World with Australian ACTIVIST LEADER James Aspey!
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Largest CUBE OF TRUTH in the World with Australian ACTIVIST LEADER James Aspey!

Largest CUBE OF TRUTH in the World with Australian Activist James Aspey!

The largest Anonymous for the Voiceless’ CUBE OF TRUTH in the WORLD, takes over San Fransisco with thousands of committed activists participating from multiple countries, including the U.K., Australia and Spain! With over 53 organizers from around the world, one main MEGA CUBE and twelve smaller surrounding cubes, the CUBE OF TRUTH is a static art performance designed to draw people into having a value-based conversation about animal rights, providing important educational information. Computer monitors and large screen televisions display videos of the truth of the horrors of animal agriculture and factory farming of chickens, cows, pigs and fish.  “Today IS the day we take massive action for the animals,” spoken by one of the founders of Anonymous for the Voiceless’ Paul. Bashir  Watch as Australian Activist James Aspey speaks the truth! This is truly history in the making!

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  • They are God’s Creatures.
    And we shall not kill and hurt, but show compassion and care.
    Our life is short also, please let us take the chance, do good, stop the violence (‘God is Love’) and support the vegan lifestyle.
    He is the beginning and the end, one day we will die also.

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