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Bearing Witness with the Los Angeles Animal Save!
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Bearing Witness with the Los Angeles Animal Save!

JaneUnChained was live last Sunday night at the pig vigil bearing witness with Los Angeles Animal Save, at a slaughterhouse just south of Los Angeles, California. Every night, six month old pigs are mercilessly slaughtered for bacon, ham, hot dogs, baby back ribs and other pig products.
After being emotionally impacted with the documentary Earthlings, Musician Mike Love wrote the song “Earthlings”.  Mike Love and his family are currently traveling the country and bringing awareness to the autocracies of animal agriculture through his music.  They stopped by the Pig Vigil in Los Angeles to bear witness and give water to the petrified baby pigs that were headed to their death.
The 10th anniversary restored edition of Earthlings, narrated by Joaquin Phoenix, is available to watch for free at the following website:
The impact on the planet according to Sailesh Rao, PhD (one of the scientists who created the Internet, and is the Executive Producer of CowspiracyWhat The Health, and The Human Experiment) will be irreversible devastation, unless we address the primary cause, factory farming —> climate change!  We have a chance, but need to act now and stop eating pigs and other animals!  You CAN be part of the solution.  Watch Dr. Rao and Wayne Hsiung of Direct Action Everywhere – DxE explain their strategies here –> (Wayne speaks at 20:17 min and Dr. Rao speaks at 41:50 min).

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