#JaneUnChained LIVE with reports from the ground on the North Carolina flood catastrophe that has left at least 42 humans dead and more than 3-million, 400-thousand trapped “farm” animals dead! Social media influencer/animal activist Ethically Elizabeth is on the scene documenting the carnage and brings us up to date on the horror!
This little piglet died a horrible death.
What these animals went through is unimaginable. Left to die in the same warehouses where they lived their short, miserable lives. Â There was nowhere to go as the flood waters rose above them. Â More than 3.4 million animals were estimated to have died as a result of this storm. That number is expected to rise! Could this have been prevented? Why wasn’t it? How can we stop this from happening again? We need to shut these warehouses down and not restock then with new “inventory.” As Jane explains, pigs are considered “property” and can be an insurance write-off when they drown. In fact, some in the animal ag industry call the pigs and chickens “live inventory.” Is that has low we’ve sunk that these poor animals cannot even be considered victims? They are just pieces of inventory? What did these animals do to deserve this? If this was done to our companion animals, dogs or cats, there would be a national outcry. These animals are just as sentient as a dog or a cat, yet they are seen as expendable. Industry reps are invited on any time to respond.
A mass grave in a dumpster. If this upsets you, don’t buy bacon, pork or ham.Â
Ethically Elizabeth was there to save any animals she could and document the devastation. She waited out the storm and then immediately sprung into action. She got on a boat with other rescuers and went shed to shed trying to find surviving animals. She and the other rescuers are true heroes. We cannot imagine what they went through in order to save animals and show us the true devastation that is not being shown by mainstream media. The only reason these animals ended up in dumpsters is because people buy them and consume them. Elizabeth seeks a day when eating animals is illegal. This is a consumer issue. If these images upset you, stop funding this industry with your food choices.Â
The horror this creature went through is unfathomable.
BREAKING NEWS: #JaneUnChained LIVE with first images of rescued pigs in storm devastated North Carolina! These two little piglets were pulled out of flood waters. Brother Wolf Animal Rescue has teams on the ground rescuing stranded pets and other animals, taking them to vets as needed. An estimated 9 million pigs are confined in North Carolina factory farms! What has happened to those pigs? How many have drowned while stuck in warehouses? Why isn’t the media talking about the pigs, except in the context of their manure lagoons spilling?
This is an environmental catastrophe and animal agriculture is heavily contributing to the climate change that we are experiencing. We can expect more hurricanes and more natural disasters due to these practices. Factory farming is simply not sustainable and the treatment of these animals should not be acceptable. You can help! Look at these victims and please make the connection today. Please do not buy animal products, and you will be doing your part to stop their suffering.
Donate to help rescue and rehab now at: bwar.org/donate (due to weather conditions the video freezes for a few seconds but then starts up again. Please scroll through)
Calen Otto reports for Jane Unchained News Network.Â