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Traditional Filipino Pancit Palabok Veganized!
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Traditional Filipino Pancit Palabok Veganized!

#LunchBreakLIVE with @369lovegan making a veganized version of a traditional Filipino dish, known as Pancit Palabok! He’s assisted by MAMA CHINGONA, an amazing baker and the creator of “Mama Chingona Vegana” bakery goods. These two incredible animal activists have created their 1st Annual SKID ROW Vegan ThanksLiving.

The garnish really makes the dish pop.

@369lovegan has been vegan for four and a half years. He watched the documentary Earthlings, and that made him start his transition on the spot. Now he is an incredible activist and he attends several activism events in and around the Los Angeles area. @369lovegan attended a pig vigil and bore witness to the animals suffering in person. He says he is humbled every time he goes to a vigil, as he gives animals a final few moments of love before they enter the slaughterhouse. The reason behind his name @369lovegan  is that he wanted to say he is giving the planet love by being vegan more than 365 days a year.

The culinary artist at work. Truly amazing!

Amber a.k.a. @mamachingonavegana jumps into the mix and tells us about the event she will be participating in this weekend, Vegan Sweets Con. She will be selling her unbelievably delicious cookies and sweets there! Amber and @369lovegan will also be hosting the fist SKID ROW Vegan Thanksliving to help give back to the community by giving the homeless vegan food to eat! They will also be handing out warm bags with blankets and toiletries. Amber and @369lovegan met at a vigil and came up with the plant together. They are looking for donations and products to pass out to help the homeless so please reach out if you would like to help!

The final product is really too beautiful to eat!

@369lovegan uses the traditional  Pancit noodles and he uses a vegan Palabok base for the sauce instead of using shrimp. The Asian noodles cook faster so that means your meal is done faster too! @369lovegan is truly a culinary artist as he carefully chops the vegetables and prepares this noodle dish. He also makes amazing artwork and has extended his painting skills to make cool graphics for animal rights signs! Just look at the final product. It looks like a bowl of art! Jane says that it tastes as good as it looks. Take part in veganized tradition by making your own at home with the recipe below! 

Check out the SKID ROW Vegan Thanksliving page for more information!

Eat some @MamaChingonaVegana cookies at Vegan Sweets Con this weekend Sunday November 11th 11a.m.-6p.m.! @vegansweetscon on Instagram.

See Also
HOT for Food’s Lauren Toyota

Follow @369lovegan and @mamachingonavegana on Instagram!


Jane Velez-MItchell reporting for #JaneUnChained News Network.
Photos Courtesy of Amber Martinez a.k.a. @mamachingonavegana.
Report Edited by Ellen Dent.


“Vegan Pancit Palabok” by @369lovegan
  • get a boiling pot of water going for the palabok noodles (1 pack, cook til al dente)
  • Chop green onions for garnish
  • Chop garlic cloves (half bulb) +
  • Get pan going with coconut oil, and sauce
  • Mix 2 packs MaMacita Palabok sauce w/ 5 cups of water (cook til it thickens)
  • When noodles and sauce are done (combine both in pot)
  • Garnish w/ chopped green onions, vegan chicharron,  calamansi aka/baby mandarin/lemon
  • Serve and enjoy the Island Love!
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  • I used to use Mama Sita palabo sauce, too, for a long time. I just bought some packets and cooked them when I smelled fish. I looked at the ingredients and there was a piece of paper stuck on top of the previous ingredients. It now has shrimp powder.

    • Thanks for the heads-up, Ressie. I usually make palabok with seaweed powder for the seafoody flavor, but was hoping that the Mama Sita sauce was vegan-friendly. Oh, well.

    • The current Mama Sita palabok sauce does not have any shrimp/animal products in it. *And if it does, you must have an old packet.

  • I bought a mama sita pack just last week and it definitely has shrimp powder. Probably best to copy the ingredients and replace the shrimp powder with seaweed power or flakes.

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