It’s Not a Happy New Year for All Creatures…

Another cold New Year for the animals. Pigs headed to their deaths, marked with paint, as if they are objects. Animal activists with the Animal Alliance Network, Los Angeles Animal Save, and the March of Silence gather to bring attention to animal suffering at the first pig vigil of 2019. If it’s hard to watch, then please stop eating them.

Los Angeles Animal Save and Animal Alliance Network hold vigils outside of this slaughterhouse week after week. These vigils are held in hope to change the minds of all of those who see the plight of these animals. The activists stand on the side of the street and wait for trucks full of pigs to pull up to the slaughterhouse. When a truck pulls up the activists have two minutes to give the pigs water and love before they enter the slaughterhouse gates.

These pigs can be on the road for days without food or water, so when they pull up to the slaughterhouse their thirst is painfully apparent. Many times they are foaming at the mouth as they try to gulp as much water as they can before the allotted time is up. Then they are hauled into the slaughterhouse gates never to be seen in full form again. These animals are seen as property and not the living, unique, sentient creatures that they are. They feel pain just like we do, and we treat them as if they are unworthy of life because they were born a different species.

It’s easy to disconnect with the pieces of their bodies we see on store shelves. You don’t see their eyes or the many similarities they have with us as intelligent loving creatures. Instead you see a piece of meat that has been cut into small pieces and often times treated to look more appealing to shoppers. But what the shoppers don’t see is the desperation they have as they are unwillingly brought to the slaughterhouse gates. They don’t hear their screams as their lives are robbed from them on the kill floor.

If knowing what these animals go through in order to end up in that package is not enough, eating pork and other animal products has been also been linked to several debilitating medical conditions. The World Health Organization has categorized processed meats as a Group 1 carcinogen, along with tobacco products. The consumption of animal products has been linked to cancer, heart disease, and diabetes to name a few. But we aren’t only killing ourselves, we’re killing the planet too! The report released by The United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in 2018 specifically says the use of “land intensive animal products,” is one of the main reasons why our climate is changing for the worst. They predict that we have twelve years to cut back on the use of animal products like these and make other sustainable changes, or we are looking at a “irreversible” climate damage. We don’t know about you, but we would like to have a planet to live on. There is every reason to spare these animals lives and leave them out of your shopping cart. Please make the connection and help others as well. Together we can save everything in existence through a compassionate lifestyle!

Slaughterhouse representatives are invited on any time to respond to any opinions expressed by vigil attendees.
Photos courtesy of the following Instagram Pages: @AnimalAllianceNetwork, @Animals_are_cool_bro, @Lindzanddex11, and @Vegan_as_fvck.
Reporting for #JaneUnChained News Network, JNN, Patrizia Mari Barretto.
Report edited by Ellen Dent.