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How a Raw Vegan Powerlifter Eats!
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How a Raw Vegan Powerlifter Eats!

Vegan Goddess Bianka poses with a few of the ingredients she used today!
Get your RAW on today’s LunchBreakLIVE with the talented and gorgeous personal trainer, competitive powerlifter and animal rights activist Bianka Riveiro who has been plant-based for 9 years, vegan for 2 and recently raw vegan for 3 months. She loves all things health and fitness related, plus holds a record in her weight class in USPA (United States Powerlifting Association), showing that vegans can be strong! Today’s recipe is a “Raw Kelp Noodle Salad” and our special taste tester is amazing social media influencer, Donny Singh!
There’s nothing fishy about these kelp noodles!
Bianca is a truly powerful fit woman! She lifted 325 lbs competitively, making her a champion powerlifter! She started transitioning to veganism because someone handed her a pamphlet in passing about how our choices affect the animals, our health, and our planet. The more she learned, the more she shifted her lifestyle towards veganism. Now she is also an animal rights activist. She and Donny met at an LA Animal Save chicken vigil. Donny has a popular vegan clothing line named, “Vegan As FVCK.” They both regularly attend activist events, vegan events, and do whatever they can to raise awareness about the benefits of a vegan lifestyle.
Eating raw never looked so good!
Today this vegan goddess is making an all raw kelp noodle dish using super nutritious whole food ingredients! Bianka uses extraordinary ingredients including kelp noodles, coconut vinegar, and ginger powder. Coconut vinegar isn’t just for flavor. It has vitamin c and 17 amino acids in it! Bianka and Donny have a wealth of knowledge about raw plant-based diets. Bianka shares how she sprouts legumes to meet her nutritional needs and still adhere to a raw vegan diet. Donny points out you can buy sprouted foods too if you don’t have the time or desire to sprout them yourself. Donny also recommends using a spiralizer to make healthy pasta-like shreds out of several different fruits, vegetables, and starches. Donny tries the raw kelp noodles and says it is delicious, full of flavor, and creamy. Try making your own satisfying Raw Kelp Noodle Salad at home with Bianka’s recipe below!
These vibrant vegans, Bianka and Donny, pose for a pic with their healthy raw kelp noodle salad!


Jane Velez-Mitchell reporting for JaneUnChained News Network.
Photos courtesy of Jane Velez-Mitchell.
Bianka is a real vegan powerhouse! Photo:  Bianka’s Instagram Page
Looking at her makes us want to step our health and fitness game up!


1 Package Kelp Noodles
2 Cups Carrots (julienne)
1/4 Cup Cucumber (julienne)
Black Sesame Seeds
Lime Wedges
3 Rounded T Raw Almond Butter
3 T Raw Coconut Vinegar
1/2 Teaspoon Sea Salt
1 T Raw Yacon Syrup (optional)
1/2 Teaspoon Ground Ginger or 1 Teaspoon Fresh Grated Ginger
1. Rinse Kelp Noodles and submerge in a bowl of water for 10 minutes.
2. While noodles are soaking, mix dressing in a bowl and set aside.
3. Once noodles are ready, place them in the bowl with carrots. Coat and toss the noodles and carrots with dressing.
4. Serve in individual bowls and garnish with cucumber and sesame seeds. Top with fresh lime juice.
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