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Stop The Hi-Speed Slaughter of Countless Animals!
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Stop The Hi-Speed Slaughter of Countless Animals!

JaneUnChained LIVETALK with Compassion Over Killing (COK)! Last-ditch effort to stop horrific HIGH-SPEED SLAUGHTER!
It will go into effect in December if we don’t convince our US Senators and Congressmembers to HALT it! The amendment that could stop it is: the DeLauro-Price Pig Slaughter Provision! We need to get this amendment, which would block funding, approved in Congress! Links below to call NOW! Watch our conversation with COK’s attorney Will Lowrey!

Call today to spare these creatures even more pain in their untimely deaths! Photo: Compassion over Killing
According to Will, this new legislation will allow slaughterhouses to maximize the number of animals killed without regulation from USDA inspectors. In their investigation of hi-speed kill lines, they found that animals were abused rampantly. Will explains abuses included them not being stunned and slaughtered properly and thrown into the boiling pot of hot water still alive. But that’s not all, without regulation there is more of a likelihood of contamination in the products sold to people for consumption. We’re talking bacteria from fecal matter. It is all around a horrifying practice for the animals who are being killed and people who still eat them.
Sign the petition today! Photo: Compassion over Killing
It’s up to us to speak for all of these poor creatures that are not able to speak for themselves. Jane explains our government representatives want to hear from us! You may not think that you can make a difference on an individual level, but that simply isn’t true. When you speak up for them you are part of a collective whole group of people who together may have the influence needed to change this policy. Will you speak for them? Call in today! Use the links at the bottom of this article to help guide you to the right representatives.
Write a message to your representatives in minutes with Compassion in World Farming! Photo: Compassion in World Farming
USDA and animal agriculture representatives are welcome to respond at any time.
Californians call your senate representatives:
Dianne Feinstein
Senior Senator for California
Since Nov 10, 1992 (next election in 2024)
@SenFeinsteinOfficial Website 202-224-3841
Kamala Harris
Junior Senator for California
Since Jan 3, 2017 (next election in 2022)
@SenKamalaHarris Official Website 202-224-3553
Say:  “Please approve the DeLauro-Price Pig Slaughter Provision!”
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