Spectrum News 1 SoCal Features Pig Vigil Story!
Reporting LIVE for JaneUnchained News Network at a vigil with Animal Save Movement groups Los Angeles Animal Save and Animal Alliance Network holding a joint vigil welcoming Spectrum News 1 SoCal reporter Jada Montemarano at a slaughterhouse near Downtown Los Angeles. She films a story as activists struggle to get water to the multitude of pigs arriving on the trucks. Watch the full story at the bottom of this article. These pigs are only 4-6 months old and wouldn’t have to die if people would stop eating them! Please share this article to help spread awareness about the truth behind the baby pigs that are killed and mutilated to become bacon, sausage, ham, and hotdogs come from.
Attend a weekly vigil with Los Angeles Animal Save on Sundays and with Animal Alliance Network on Wednesdays.
Connect with your local Animal Save Movement chapter to attend a vigil and get involved.
Cesar Asebedo reporting for JaneUnchained News Network.
Photos courtesy of Spectrum News 1 and Robert Sud.
***Watch the story below!***