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Spectrum News 1 SoCal Features Pig Vigil Story!
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Spectrum News 1 SoCal Features Pig Vigil Story!

This innocent baby lost its life. Why? Because there is a demand to eat them. Photo: Robert Sud

Reporting LIVE for JaneUnchained News Network at a vigil with Animal Save Movement groups Los Angeles Animal Save and Animal Alliance Network holding a joint vigil welcoming Spectrum News 1 SoCal reporter Jada Montemarano at a slaughterhouse near Downtown Los Angeles. She films a story as activists struggle to get water to the multitude of pigs arriving on the trucks. Watch the full story at the bottom of this article. These pigs are only 4-6 months old and wouldn’t have to die if people would stop eating them! Please share this article to help spread awareness about the truth behind the baby pigs that are killed and mutilated to become bacon, sausage, ham, and hotdogs come from. 

The vigils held by these two groups in Los Angeles have broken through the mainstream media this past year! Starting with the front-page article in The LA Times Newspaper, stories were also published about the vigils in The Chicago Tribune, on NBC News, EFE News, and Hoy Los Angeles. There were even reporters from an Australian News channel at one vigil. This piece on Spectrum News 1 was no different. Jada Montemarano made an eye-opening piece outlining the work of Los Angeles Animal Save organizer Robert Sud. She showed the actions of him and other activists to raise awareness of the pigs on these trucks who are raised to be unnecessarily eaten by humans. This was another victory for the truth and the hope that one day the general public will make a choice to choose peace over violence and leave these and all other beings off of their plates.
The slaughterhouse is invited on to respond at any time.

Attend a weekly vigil with Los Angeles Animal Save on Sundays and with Animal Alliance Network on Wednesdays.

Connect with your local Animal Save Movement chapter to attend a vigil and get involved.

Cesar Asebedo reporting for JaneUnchained News Network.

See Also
Hearing for the Wisconsin Beagles case

Photos courtesy of Spectrum News 1 and Robert Sud.

This innocent baby lost its life. Why? Because there is a demand to eat them.


***Watch the story below!***


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