Vegan Coronavirus Poetry Jam – Bring Out Your Inner Poet For The Animals!

#LIVETALK with guests Dani Rukin and Renee King-Sonnen of Rowdy Girl Sanctuary joining Jane Velez-Mitchell, announcing the launch of the Vegan Coronavirus Poetry Jam! April is Poetry month so let’s take some vegan truths and turn then into poems.
As many of us know, despite the unimaginable impact COVID-19 is having on the world, the mainstream media is not talking much about the connection between the exploitation of animals and why these viruses occur.
That’s why we at @JaneUnChained are throwing a Vegan Coronavirus Poetry Jam! Scratch out a poem about veganism, coronavirus, and animals, send it to us, and we will donate $200 after we receive 10 poems we choose for publication.*
We will gift Rowdy Girl Sanctuary the $200 prize money to help them build their Bovine Medical Treatment Facility. These much-needed funds will help them successfully keep their herd healthy by vaccinating and deworming their 60+ bovine NEXT MONTH!
How to play:
- Write a short poem (bring out your inner poet for the animals!) about veganism, coronavirus, and animals.
- Video record yourself reading your poem – it MUST be under one minute.
- Post your video on your instagram or Facebook page and tag @janeunchainednews + #VeganPoetryJam.
- Nominate others to do their poem for the animals in your post by tagging them.
- April is NATIONAL POETRY MONTH – no better time to get your poetry jam going for the animals.
*We reserve the right to dis-include any poem. We choose which ones we want to publish. And remember, keep it clean and compassionate – no offensive language, please.
#janeunchainednews #veganfortheanimals #vegancoronaviruspoetry #vegansofig #animals #animalrights #coronavirus #covid19 #poetry #rowdygirlsanctuary #thedaringvegan #bedaringgovegan #PoetryMonth #RancherAdvocacyProgram #vegan

Kicking the Vegan Poetry Jam off with Dani Rukin’s poem, “Our Corona”
Animals in crates
Helplessly clinging to life
Meet a gruesome fate.
Italians singing
Alone and Together, balconies and windows ablaze.
Spirits intact.
Toilet paper sales skyrocket as The Market plunges.
We cancel everything except for our indiscriminate and unrelenting
Slaughter of the most vulnerable among us.
And call it Food.
Mad Cow, Swine Fever, Bird Flu, SARS, MERS, COVID19.
Zoonotic dis.eases of the human heart.
Feeding only our self-serving narrative that it’s the ‘cycle of life.’
Tell that to the victims straight to their face.
We bury and burn them Alive
And call it culling.
We say they’re contaminated and ‘exterminate’ them.
Exterminating only our Humanity.
We plunder Mother Earth
And take Her for all she’s worth.
Yet, she holds the key to our existence.