Humans & Other Animals! Film Premieres in July

Get your tickets NOW to the new film, Humans & Other Animals! It’s by the filmmaker who brought us Speciesism: The Movie and debuts across the US starting July 12th.

Hollywood, July 5th , 2024 — Award-winning filmmaker Mark DeVries, who created the hit documentary Speciesism: The Movie, has a brand new film called Humans & Other Animals! It will premiere in cities across the U.S. starting July 12th. Tickets are going fast for the premiere in New York City (July 12), Los Angeles (July 17), San Francisco (July 18), Philadelphia (July 24), Chicago (July 25), Dallas (July 31), and Boston (August 8). Each showing will be followed by a Q&A with the director.
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The new film is a comprehensive, entertaining, non-graphic introduction to the whys and hows of the animal movement. UnchainedTV’s Jane Velez-Mitchell had a conversation with DeVries who explained that this film is groundbreaking, as it features never-before-used high-tech surveillance techniques:
Relentlessly Investigating & Reporting

Mark DeVries directed the award-winning documentary Speciesism: The Movie, which remains widely used as an introduction to animal ethics. He also pioneered the use of aerial drones to investigate factory farming, and he is an attorney licensed to practice law in Washington, DC. Mark DeVries’s work has been viewed by tens of millions worldwide and received international press coverage. You can watch a director’s cut version of his first documentary on UnchainedTV, just by clicking below.
This long-awaited new documentary film presents the case of animal rights in a way that is thoroughly entertaining, easy to understand, and non-graphic. In a single film you will find the evidence for nonhuman animals’ sentience, investigations into factory farming, the philosophical case for taking other animals seriously, the common objections and responses, and the practical steps that individuals and institutions can take. This is what DeVries said about it:
“We’re discovering that non-human animals are far more sophisticated, far more aware, far more intelligent than people have imagined. In a sense, that shouldn’t be surprising. We think of ourselves as separate, distinct from other species, but – in fact – we’re animals — that’s why this film is called Humans and Other Animals! We’re a species of animal, and other animals like us have emotions that, as far as we can establish, are as intense, as real as our own.”
“People are really fascinated with, as they should be, the incredible sophistication of non-human animals, their social and emotional lives, and that’s what draws people in.” — Mark DeVries, filmmaker
This Documentary Answers Questions

Designed to be a very informative film, the documentary asks many interesting questions about non-human animals and finds experts who can give us surprising answers.
For example, the question “Do other animals not only use tools but make tools?” is answered by traveling through Africa to witness humans’ closest living relatives—including a group of chimpanzees who have begun creating and hunting with spears.
The question “Do other animals actually speak with one another?” is answered with a resounding yes, as the scientist who discovered that prairie dogs use language with nouns, verbs, and adjectives reveals it all.
The question “Do other animals have extended families, in which members understand their relationships with one another?” is answered by visiting the team of researchers that’s spent over half a century observing the stunning complexity of elephant families. This is how DeVries summarizes the impact of all these discoveries:
“This is a scientific revolution. We’re learning that we’re not the only species with strong emotions, with a strong social and intellectual inner world. That’s changing everything in terms of how we see other species. It seems like it should change a lot in terms of how we treat other species. I’m hoping that this film will be a single package that people can share with friends and family members that really makes the case for changing how we view, and how we treat non-human animals.”
The documentary also includes investigations to expose how the powerful animal exploitation industries rely on keeping the truth hidden. DeVries says this about them:
“These are industries that have a really strong interest in hiding what’s happening. So, people who are trying to expose this have to get more and more creative. So, we literally had to, as you’ll see in the film, develop new technologies in order to find new ways to get into these facilities.”
“Things are changing. A growing number of people are standing up and saying we have to change how we view other animals.” — Mark DeVries, filmmaker
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Jordi Casmitjana is a vegan zoologist and author.