
LunchBreakLIVE Mobilizes At the Youth Climate Strike March!

A very special LunchBreakLIVE at The Youth Climate Strike Los Angeles! As we march, we’re going to eat healthful, vegan food provided by Vegan Flag promoter Patrizia Mari Barretto! There’s always a way to eat a compassionate diet! Something as simple as almonds or nuts can easily be packed up and eaten on the go, literally.

Jane Goodall Says Ditch Meat!

#JaneUnChained LIVE as world famous primatologist Jane Goodall of the Jane Goodall Institute urges people to stop eating meat! This on her 85th birthday! She cited herself as an example of the energy you can have on a plant-based diet.

If The Rainforest Dies, We Die!

#JaneUnChained #LIVE at the Brazilian Consulate in Beverly Hills, where environmentalists and animal activists are urging Brazil’s new President Jair Bolsonaro, who has been described as “The Trump of the Tropics,” NOT to open the Amazon rainforest up to more cattle ranching, roads and industry, thereby destroying the “lungs of the earth” as climate change accelerates!

Wildfires: Climate Change Catastrophe!

#JaneUnChained #LIVE: Coast to Coast Catastrophe! What’s really accelerating climate change? Join Jane Velez-Mitchell for this Special Hour Report. Our guests, Simone Reyes, Lisa Karlan, and Renée Marinkovich have been on the ground across the country, as fires and hurricanes leave a train of devastation.

‘Vegan World 2026!’ Kickoff At Zen Nights Block Party!

#JaneUnChained LIVE at the street party kickoff to the #VeganWorld2026 conference in Mesa, Arizona at the amazing Zen Nights, a monthly vegan event taking place in Downtown Mesa, Arizona, hosted by Nadia Khalighi Tucker and Will Tucker. One of the creators of the Internet, Dr.

JNN Reporting from Costa Rica, Saving the World with Climate Healers!

#JaneUnChained with Exclusive Breaking News from Costa Rica at the Zen Spirit Yoga Resort, where the steering committee for #VeganWorld2026 has completed two days of intensive work by creating a declaration with one mission! Twelve individuals, Denise Bitz, Donna Dennison, Renee King-Sonnen, Marilyn Kroplick, Carol Manetta, Gustavo Pacheco, Mariette Papic, Jaine Rao, Sailesh Rao, Maribel Rodriguez, Jane Velez-Mitchell and Gary Wirkkala, met in Costa Rica over the July 21-22 weekend to hammer out the declaration, Awakening to Survival : 2026.