Passionate Activists in Los Angeles March to Close all Slaughterhouses
Philip Wollen Gives an Unforgettable and Compelling Speech!!!
LIVE at the March to Close All Slaughterhouses in Los Angeles, California! Speakers include poet, actor & host Sean Hill of @letsbendreaity & world famous animal activist and philanthropist Philip Wollen of Kindness Trust!
The difference is your Attitude and your Perception
LIVE at the Los Angeles, California March to Close All Slaughterhouses! Animal activists from around the world have gathered to urge people to see the horror of their ways and how we must switch to a kind diet to save our environment, our health and our souls! Special Guest: Australian Vegan Philanthropist Philip Wollen of the Kindness Trust. #JaneUnChained
Protesters March from the City Hall in Vernon, California to a local Slaughterhouse
The March to End All Saughterhouses arrives at Farmer John’s pig slaughterhouse near downtown Los Angeles, California! The protesters message to “animal lovers” who still eat meat is… why love one and eat the other? It’s killing them, it’s killing us; heart disease, cancer and meat production is responsible for more greenhouse gases than all form of transportation combined! #JaneUnChained
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Jane Velez-Mitchell is an award-winning TV journalist and New York Times best-selling author. She is the founder of UnchainedTV and the host of several shows on the network.