Alison Eastwood Makes Waldorf Salad!
June 27, 2017

How to make a Waldorf Salad, taught to you by the amazing director/producer/activist Alison Eastwood of! Her amazing husband, artist Stacy Poitras, is today’s #LunchBreakLIVE taste tester! Also, you’re invited to a Chiesta! Chihuahua rescue this Saturday, July 1st at East Valley Animal Shelter at 14409 Vanowen Street in Van Nuys, 10am-4pm. There will be Mariachi Band and vegan food plus FREE spay/neuter for qualifiers and low cost vaccinations/microchips! Plus Giveaways! #JaneUnChained will be LIVE!
RECIPE: Â Vegan Waldorf Salad
- 4 romaine lettuce leaves
- 1/2 cup red grapes (100 g)
- 1/2 cup walnuts (60 g)
- 1/2 green apple, chopped into small cubes
- 1/2 celery stalk, chopped
- ½ cup raisins
- 1 tsp lemon juice
- dried coconut shards
For the dressing:
- 3/4 cup nondairy vanilla yogurt
- 2 tsp agave nectar
- Chop all the ingredients and place them in a large bowl.
- To make the dressing, jmix all the ingredients in a bowl and combine well.
- Pour the dressing on to the salad, mix well and serve.
Alison Eastwood and Stacy Poitras
Delicious Waldof Salad
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Jane Velez-Mitchell
Jane Velez-Mitchell is an award-winning TV journalist and New York Times best-selling author. She is the founder of UnchainedTV and the host of several shows on the network.
~ Great video ~ Loved seeing you all sharing this beautiful Vegan Waldorf Salad ~ Thank you ~ mgf