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Vegan LPGA Legend Deborah Vidal (McHaffie) Cooks!


Ladies Professional Golf Association (LPGA) vegan legend Deborah Vidalon #LunchbreakLIVE makes an astoundingly tasty Vegan Mock Tuno Salad! Join in the 19th hole party! Find Deborah’s weekly podcast at vidalSPEAKS#JaneUnchained

RECIPE:  Vegan LPGA Golf Legend Deborah Vidal’s Mock Tuno Salad


  • 1 cup of nuts soaked: sunflower seeds, almonds and 4-5 brazil nuts.  (I use a combo of 3/4 sunflower seeds 1/4 almonds & 4-5 brazil nuts.)   Soak for a few hours.
  •  2 Tbsp of organic sweet pickle relish
  •  1 stalk of celery, chopped
  •  1 medium onion, chopped
  •  1/2 c organic vegan mayo (Vegenaise – Follow Your Heart) or mashed avocado (if
  •  you want it oil free)
  •  salt & pepper to taste


  1. After you have soaked the nuts – rinse them & put in food processor.
  2. Process into small mealy size granules not paste!
  3. Transfer the mixture to a bowl
  4. Add vegan mayo, sweet pickles chopped up or pickle relish, and chopped onions
  5. Add salt & lots of pepper!

Deborah Vidal’s Seedless Minted Watermelon Summer Surprise


  • 1 small seedless watermelon
  • 5 – 6 sprigs of organic fresh mint
  • 1 – 2 Tbsp rosewater


  1. Place ingredients into a blender for 1 minute
  2. Enjoy

LBL Deborah Vidal Ingredients 6:28:17

See Also
Ingrid Newkirk 75 birthday

Some of the Ingredients for Deborah’s Mock Tuno Salad

LBL Deborah Vidal plated 6:28:17

Deborah’s Mock Tuno Salad with Fresh Berries and Vegan Vanilla Yogurt (So Delicious)

LBL Deborah Vidal Tu-no Salad 6:28:17

Deborah’s Mock Tuno Salad

LBL Deborah Vidal with food 6:28:17

Deborah Vidal with Mock Tuno Salad and Berries

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