Would You Trade Places With The Animals In Zoos?
by Dani Rukin
August 6, 2018

Portland Animal Save and Free the Oregon Zoo Elephants join together to protest the local zoo and encourage zoo-goers to find other forms of entertainment. Their message: Animals are not property. A zoo is no place for animals! As always, JaneUnChained invites reps from this or any zoo for their side. Dani Rukin reporting LIVE for #JaneUnChained News.
Watch as zoo-goer has change of heart and decides not to attend zoos and is inspired to create an app to locate nearby sanctuaries for animals! The Daring Vegan dares to speak Truth to Power outside a zoo entrance, asking zoo-goers, “How does it feel when you look into their eyes from outside their cages and enclosures knowing you get to leave while they stay locked up?”Watch as bystander Free the Oregon Zoo Elephants and Portland Animal Save’s message: animals are not property, zoos are no place for animals, and captivity kills!As always, JaneUnChained invites reps from this or any zoo for their side. What do you think? Dani Rukin reporting for JaneUnChained.com
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