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Double-Berry Nice Cream
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Double-Berry Nice Cream


The heat is on – but don’t reach for an ice-cream reach for a “NICE” cream created by Sandra Sellani from the 40-Year-Old Vegan cookbook.  It’s  cholesterol-free and cruelty-free.  #DairyIsScary.

Double Berry Nice Cream from 40-Year-Old Vegan


  • 1 banana, sliced
  • 6 oz. fresh blackberries
  • 1 can (13.66 oz) Thai Kitchen brand Organic Coconut Cream
  • ½ c. agave nectar or maple syrup
  • Pinch salt
  • Slivered almonds for garnish
  • Unsweetened coconut shreds for garnish
  • 3 oz. blackberries & raspberries for garnish
  • Equipment needed: Blender & Ice Cream Maker – Keep Ice Cream Maker “bowl” in freezer overnight or according to manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Optional: 1 – 3 T. of vodka


  1. Lightly toast the almonds in a dry pan until they become toasted and brown. Do the same thing with the coconut shreds.  Set aside.
  2. Add banana, blackberries, coconut cream, agave and salt to blender. Mix until fully blended.
  3. Add mixture to ice cream maker bowl and prepare according to manufacturer’s instructions. This usually includes adding a mixer to the bowl and turning the machine on.  On average it will take 20-30 minutes to freeze, varying by your brand of ice cream maker. Hint: You can add 1-3 T. of vodka to make the ice cream creamier and easier to scoop.
  4. When product is done, you can serve directly from the ice cream maker (it might be more of a soft-serve consistency or put in the freezer for a harder consistency.
  5. Top with garnishes and serve immediately.


Yields: 1 quart of nice cream

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