Feed Your Soul at Stuff I Eat Restaurant!
by Ellen Dent
October 16, 2018

#LunchBreakLIVE with the amazing Chef Babette, vegan chef extraordinaire, coming to you from her vegan restaurant Stuff I Eat in Inglewood, California making Pot Pie Perfection and Avocado Parfait. It’s all 100% plant-based and all 100% delicious! Special guest taste testers are Marlon Rison, Plantbased_G and Collin Rison, PlantBasedG.Jr. They are both Texas-based athletes, one a former college football player and the other a power-lifter!

Chef Babette has been vegan since 1990 when she was turning 40. She decided to embrace her age, nutrition, and her fitness! Her husband helped introduce her to a healthier lifestyle with books he recommended. The book the “Mucusless Diet Healing System,” by Arnold Ehret was particularly helpful on her journey. Chef Babette also started Love Ur Age to help people embrace their age and incredibly she is turning 68 this year. She sure doesn’t look it!

Special guest taste testers Plantbased_G and his son, Collin (PlantBasedG.Jr) are in pot pie heaven! Even Chef Babette knows she outdid herself with this dish. Â ThePlantbasedG, has an inspiring story about his transition to veganism. He lost 130 pounds in a little over a year after transitioning to a healthy plant-based lifestyle! He also makes a point that the one way we can fight injustice is through our food choices. Torturing animals in unnecessary, and he became aware of this during his vegan journey. ThePlantbasedGÂ says he would never want to eat the negative energy that surges through an animal’s body before they are killed. His son, Collin, saw how well his dad was doing with a vegan diet and decided to make the transition as well. This is a wonderful example of how parents can be healthy positive role models for their kids!Â

The pot pie is comprised of two biscuits and a traditional style vegan pot pie recipe. Wow it looks too good to be true! From the sounds being made from the taste testers, it also tastes “mmm mmm” good! Don’t forget dessert! The avocado parfait leaves the taste testers almost speechless. Luckily for us, Chef Babette keeps it real and shares her recipes in her cookbook, “Cash In On Cashews: 50 Plus Desserts Using One Nut.” She even points out that you can skip eating another species milk secretions and make your own delicious cheese from cashews too! Chef Babette says you will never be able to nourish your body with death, and that is why she eats a fully plant-based diet. So look and feel incredible like Chef Babette and PlantbasedG by eating a healthy plant-based diet and getting active!Â

Photos Courtesy of Jane Velez-MItchell and Paige Parsons Roache.
Report Edited by Ellen Dent.

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