Chef Babette’s Birthday and Holiday Bash!

#JaneUnChained #LIVE at the fabulous Stuff I Eat – Vegan Cuisine in Inglewood, California for Chef Babette’s Birthday soirée and book signing party (Chef Babette Birthday & Holiday Bash – “Changing Your Road”/ Chef Babette. Special guest speaker Marlon Risson, known as PlantbasedG, motivational speaker and athletic trainer in from Houston, Texas, along with Charles Doug, a worldwide inspirational speaker. Introductions by Terrah Bennett Smith, talent manager. This night is the launch of their upcoming “Changing the Road” workshops around the country in 2019.

Marlon Risson (Plantbased G) gets on the mic and shares his journey of transformation with the audience. He watched the documentary, What the Health, and he immediately realized that his life had changed. He decided to change the way he lived on the spot. His body transformed on a plant-based diet. He lost 130 pounds! Paige Parsons Roache helped Marlon see the cruel practices of the agricultural industry. He saw how animals were treated, and he realized that it was no different to what happened to people of color in the past. These animals are enslaved and tortured on a wide scale and this parallels what happened to groups of people based on their appearance and ethnic backgrounds. Marlon also adds in that he has become a better lover thanks to his transition to veganism! He says not only are his arteries clear, which helps with sexual performance, but he has a positive loving perspective in life. He opens up more emotionally. He says you can feel better, look better, and love better with vegan lifestyle!

Chef Babette stresses the importance of paying attention to what you put in your body! She makes every meal count by eating well. She agrees with Marlon, saying you should consume life and positivity. Your body reacts to what you eat. If you get a cold, it wasn’t the rain. It was probably what you ate! If you eat garbage you are going to feel like garbage. Chef Babette says that her biggest goal is to be able “to go down and get back up.” She refuses to become one of those eighty plus year olds that falls down and needs a Life Alert button. She is going to keep running up the hills of Griffith Park and beyond for many years to come. Happy Birthday Chef Babette! Thank you for being the wonderful, inspirational, beautiful person that you are!

Check out Chef Babette’s Website!
Order Chef Babette’s Cookbook!
Visit the Plantbased G’s website
Paige Parsons Roache reports for
Photos courtesy of Paige Parsons Roache.
Report edited by Ellen Dent.