Vegan Eats in San Clemente!
Today on #LunchBreakLIVE we are at Active Culture – Natural Foods Cafe & Yogurt in San Clemente, California. Our fabulous taste tester is PETA’s Sexiest Vegan Over 40 PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), Erin Riley-Carrasco, who tastes some of their delicious vegan entrees! Paige Parsons Roache joins the fun.
Paige and Erin are also excited to announce their attendance at the fundraiser for Social Compassion in Legislation. This group has accomplished so much for animals and our planet. They have ended the use of puppy mill puppies in pet shops and this group has also gotten a bill passed that bans cruelty in cosmetics in California. They also have several other bills they are working on getting passed to change the lives of countless animals and save our planet!
Paige and Erin look amazingly vibrant in their cruelty-free makeup and they are looking forward to continue making a difference! Erin explains their are so many ways to help facilitate change just by buying products that don’t involve cruelty to animals. She also is avoiding the use of plastic because plastic is ruining the environment. We are on the verge of having more plastic than fish in the ocean, so please choose eco-friendly reusable options instead. Erin further explains that we should consider not supporting entertainment that involves the use of animals. This includes zoos, aquariums, and animal amusement parks.
Today Paige, Erin, and Allen tried the “Barbecue burrito,” the “Big Salad,” the vegan chili, and the “Lentil Goodness Bowl.” Paige and Erin also wash down the yummy vegan eats with “The Whole Darn Farm” juice and the “Naked Coconut Shake.” This restaurant is located in Laguna Beach, California and Bend, Oregon too. Erin explains they started off as a yogurt shop but they branched out and now they offer food items as well. They even have vegan yogurt! The Active Culture – Natural Foods Cafe & Yogurt is definitely worth the trip to San Clemente!
Visit Active Culture-Natural Foods Café and Yogurt’s website!
Any zoos, aquariums, animal amusement parks, and any other organizations mentioned in this piece to respond at any time.
Support Social Compassion In Legislation!
Paige Parsons Roache and Erin Riley-Carrasco reporting LIVE for JaneUnchained News Network!
Photos courtesy of Paige Parsons Roache.
Report edited by Ellen Dent.