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Who Doesn’t Like Vegan French Toast?
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Who Doesn’t Like Vegan French Toast?

Vegan French Toast!!! YUM! Today on #SaturdaySnackdown, the incredible Miss Wini Smith, also known as the Bottomless Vegan, is making her delicious recipe for Easy Egg-Free French Toast! Erin Riley-CarrascoPETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals)’s sexiest vegan over 50, includes fresh organic strawberries, blackberries, and blueberries and tops it off with vegan whip cream from #TruWhip!




Some of the incredible ingredients for vegan french toast!


This vegan french toast is heavenly!


Wini Smith showing off her awesome vegan french toast with Erin Riley-Carrasco.


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Who doesn’t LOVE French Toast, especially when it doesn’t contain any oil AND is cruelty-free! This recipe is from #thebottomlessvegan and is sooooo delicious. This no-egg recipe is quick and easy and sure to be a family favorite! The prep time is less than 5 minutes and you can enjoy immediately after cooking with your favorite toppings or freeze, in a freezer bag, for up to 6 months. Be creative with your toppings too! Try with peanut butter and bananas or vegan whip cream and strawberries! There are so many fun variations! ENJOY! #janeunchained #veganfoodshare #frenchtoast #nooil #nodairy #noanimalsharmed #dairyisscary #vegan #ditchdairy #deliciousandcrueltyfree #veganrecipes #miyokos #truwhip #veganin2019
THE RECIPE:  Easy Egg-Free French Toast
8 ounces silken tofu
3/4 cup plant-based milk
2 tbs brown sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp ginger
1/2 tsp nutmeg
Pinch of Slat
8-10 pieces of thick slice bread ( we used Dave’s Killer Bread – “White Bread Done Right”
Vegan Butter (optional – I like Miyoko’s because it does not contain Palm Oil)
(You can use whichever toppings you like. Here are some toppings we used)
Miyoko’s vegan butter
Vegan TRUWHIP whipped cream
Organic Maple Syrup
Powdered Sugar
Fresh strawberries
Fresh blackberries
Fresh blueberries
Fresh bananas
Preheat a nonstick electric skillet to 300 degrees (or nonstick pan over medium heat.)
Add everything except the butter and the bread to a blender and blend until it is a smooth batter.
Pour the batter into a shallow bowl (like a pie pan) and begin dipping each piece of bread (both sides)
into the batter until it is fully saturated. I like to do all the pieces at once and let them rest on a plate, that way the cooking goes smoothly.
Cook each piece for 6-7 minutes on the first side, then flip and cook for an additional 6-7 minutes on the other side.
When the French Toast is done, it will be golden and soft int he middle with a crunchy outer crust.
Enjoy with your favorite toppings!
Wini Smith


A little about Mini Smith from her website:

“Since going vegan, I have revamped my approach on food.  I still enjoy the same foods I did before going vegan (burritos, pizza, sandwiches, etc.), just without the animal products.  My greatest “ah-ha” moment was when I realized vegan does not have to mean boring.  That’s why I started my blog; I wanted to share my recipes with people who love food, whether they be vegan or not.  I really love showing people that vegan food can not only be approachable but can also be just as delicious (and in some cases, even more so) as food containing animal products.  I create all my recipes with the philosophy that food should be tasty and easy, without the use of crazy ingredients or complex cooking techniques.   As the Bottomless Vegan, I strive to create endless deliciousness that everyone can enjoy.  Thanks for visiting, I hope you enjoy my food ?

You can find out more about Wini Smith on her blog HERE where she talks about all things VEGAN FOOD and she has SO MANY awesome recipes to try out for yourself.

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