Meet The Co-Founder of Veggie Grill on The Awesome Vegans Podcast!
by Ellen Dent
March 26, 2019

Co-Founder Of Veggie Grill T.K. Pillan is in the house! Join correspondent Elysabeth Alfano LIVE on JaneUnchained as they talk the growth of plant-based restaurants and foods on Awesome Vegans with Elysabeth Alfano Podcast/Vlog! Hear all about T.K.’s work with Powerplant Ventures and Mostly Plants too!

T.K. helped found Veggie Grill in 2006 and he is blown away by how veganism and vegetarianism have grown. He points out that 1 in 4 Millennials are vegan or vegetarian. Elysabeth says according to reports vegan options are on the rise by seventeen percent from last year. T.K. explains that so many entrepreneurs are creating new plant-based products that we are entering a new era of economic growth in vegan commerce. He also explains that culture and habits are also changing. More parents are raising their kids without meat in their diets. It takes time to shift the masses and Veggie Grill is on the forefront of that push for change.

T.K. has taken the mission a step further by working with Plant Power Ventures, which is a company that invests in “emerging consumer, food, beverage, and food service companies.” They look for companies that have promising potential for growth and are aligned with sustainable food choices. Then they back them with an investment from The Plant Power Venture Fund. T.K. also collaborates with Mostly Plants, which is a plant-based nutrition planning group that makes it easy for anyone to eat plant-based and reap the benefits in 21 days.

Seventy percent of diners at Veggie Grill are not vegan or vegetarian! Veggie Grill is a restaurant that appeals to all taste buds because it is so darn good. That is also their mission by showing all pallets how good plant-based food can be. They have a wide variety of options from burgers and sandwiches to salads and bowls. Elysabeth explains that not everyone eats a plant-based similarly. Some people eat more whole food plant-based diets and others may indulge in a more processed plant-based diet. Check out the Veggie Grill nearest to you for a delicious, quick, plant-based fix!
Elysabeth Alfano reporting LIVE for JaneUnchained News Network!
Photos courtesy of Elysabeth Alfano.
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