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Wayne Hsiung On How To Be An Effective Activist!
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Wayne Hsiung On How To Be An Effective Activist!


JaneUnChained LIVE at the “How to Change the World in One Generation” workshop, at Au Lac restaurant in Downtown Los Angeles. Most of these activists are returning from the Animal Liberation Conference (ALC) in Berkeley, California and are still dedicated and ready to learn more about how they can fine tune their activism. Learn how to be an effective activist and run an effective organization. Join us as co-founder of Direct Action Everywhere (DXE), Wayne Hsiung, shares his tips with fellow activists in order to make this movement a success!
Wayne partakes in a panel at the Animal Liberation Conference.
Wayne quickly points out that he believes democracy is vital for effective animal rights organizations. According to him, an organization must be defined by its members and leaders should be elected by those members. In order to have the flexibility it takes to endure change an organization should be structured this way. He explains that DXE also believes in complete transparency. Their meetings are open to the public and even their opponents are welcome to attend.
DXE holds nonviolent open rescues in large groups saving the lives of several animals often destined for slaughter.
The workshop continued in the next video!

Wayne explains that some of the most powerful human rights movements only had a tiny fraction of the population participate. He explains that we don’t need as many people as people may think. He says that the fraction of the population has to be practicing non-violent direct action modeled after groups that practiced it during the civil rights movement under the direction of Dr. Martin Luther King. It is more powerful for the masses to see peaceful protesters being victimized by the police or other others. Dr. King made sure that the activists under his lead were trained in nonviolence training before they were met with adversity. This way they would be able to practice a nonviolent response and maintain their composure.

Wayne getting arrested alongside several other animal rights activists after holding a disruption at a duck farm.

This proved to be very effective. Dr. King’s group was able to accomplish rights for people of color and make allies of their enemies. This is exactly the approach that DXE takes in order to succeed in their actions for animal rights. Wayne explains that the only way to win is with love. If they want to appeal to the population it has to be with nonviolence. Wayne also shares examples of direct action around the world where activists risk everything to bring attention to the suffering of animals. If you can extend compassion for those who meet you with aggression like Ghandi and Dr. King did, and you will be able to be part of a movement that will win rights for all animals!

Founder of the Happy Hen Sanctuary and avid animal rights activist, Zoey Rosenberg, holds one of the 31 ducks open rescued from the duck farm in Petaluma that day.


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See Also

Paige Parsons Roache reports for JaneUnChained.

Photos courtesy of Direct Action Everywhere (DXE) and Wayne Hsiung’s Facebook pages.


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