Animal Rights Activism

“Kangaroos Are NOT Shoes” Campaign Against ADIDAS is Gaining Momentum

The international campaign “Kangaroos Are NOT Shoes” targets ADIDAS for using kangaroo leather and is gaining momentum after a successful global day of action. Los Angeles, January 8th, 2024 —  The year 2024 kicked off with two major athletic footwear companies, Nike and Puma, implementing their pledge to stop using leather from kangaroos in their shoes.

21-year old Zoe Rosenberg is cuffed and hauled to jail in Sonoma County.
3 More DxE Animal Rights Activists Arrested in Sonoma County, California

In a surprise move, law enforcement in Sonoma County suddenly appeared during a DxE protest march. The three animal rights activists arrested were demanding authorities investigate evidence of animal cruelty. Los Angeles, California, December 4th, 2023 – In what looks to be an escalation of hostilities against the animal rights movement, Sonoma County law enforcement interrupted a march by Direct Action Everywhere (DxE), a fast-growing animal liberation organization, to grab and cuff 3 animal rights activists and haul them off to jail.

Wayne Hsiung and his dog companion Julie
Wayne Hsiung Sentenced to 90 Days in Jail in the Sonoma Open Rescue Trial

The animal rights activist Wayne Hsiung was sentenced to 90 days in jail and two years probation for three trespass-related convictions in the Sonoma Open Rescue Trial Los Angeles, December 1, 2023 — On November 30th, Wayne Hsiung, the attorney and co-founder of the animal rights organization Direct Action Everywhere (DxE), was sentenced to 90 days in jail and two-years probation in the Sonoma Open Rescue Trial involving mass actions to rescue suffering chickens and ducks from two animal factories.

Ending Real Fur documentary premiere
Watch Parties Held in U.S. & Canada for Ending Real Fur, the Movie!

Watch parties, for the new movie Ending Real Fur,  are being held across the U.S. and Canada Hollywood, California, December 4th – Animal lovers are being invited to hold their own watch parties for Ending Real Fur, the award-winning film  now streaming on UnchainedTV.

New York Fashion Coach Show Disruption
How 3 Women Disrupted New York Fashion Week to Protest Leather

Three activists disrupted the Coach runway show during New York Fashion Week 2023 protesting the use of leather in the fashion industry Los Angeles, September 26th, 2023 — In a show of compassionate bravado that made global headlines, three animal rights activists disrupted the Coach runway show at New York Fashion Week 2023, held at the iconic New York Public Library Main Branch in Manhattan.

Two dogs in Chile waiting for food, from Hero Dog movie, now streaming on UnchainedTV.
Street Dogs are the Stars of the Movie “Hero Dog” on UnchainedTV

Street Dogs take center stage in this gripping, real-life story of a dog who did something so exceptional, they made a movie about it. Arcadia, California, September 11th, 2023 – In the brilliant and moving film Hero Dog, documentary filmmaker Vanessa Schulz is so taken by the courageous actions of one street dog in Chile that she flies to that nation to track the dog down.

Three shows from Unchainedtv
UnchainedTV Streams 3 Different Approaches to Vegan Outreach

3 UnchainedTV shows with wildly different approaches to vegan outreach are Vintage Veg, Jamie’s Corner, and The UNcooking Show, all hosted by talented vegans Los Angeles, August 6th, 2023 — Vegan outreach is a form of activism that aims to persuade strangers that going vegan would be a very good decision for themselves, other humans, animals, and the environment.

Pig Little Lies
PBS Airs Pig Little Lies, an UnchainedTV Original

PBS airs Pig Little Lies on its APP. The UnchainedTV Original is being distributed to public television stations across the US and Canada Hollywood, July 25th – UnchainedTV is thrilled to announce that PBS is showing our network’s Original Series, reworked as a single documentary.

Protest Before the Canada 11 court sentence in Montreal
The Activists in the “Canada 11” Case Have Finally Been Sentenced

The activists in the Canada 11 case, convicted for entering a pig farm in Quebec to expose animal cruelty, have now been sentenced after more than three years of waiting Los Angeles, June 27th, 2023 — As animal rights protesters held a rally outside court, 11 activists (10 Canadians and one American) known as the Canada 11, were finally sentenced by a judge in Quebec.

Pig at Porgreg farm in Canada
UPDATE: 11 Activists Who Exposed Canadian Pig Farm Horrors Are Sentenced

11 activists, 10 Canadian women and one US non-binary person, convicted for entering a pig farm in Quebec to expose the animal cruelty there, were just sentenced Updated: Los Angeles, June 23rd, 2023 — Three years after a group of eleven activists entered a pig breeding facility in Quebec, Canada, and live-streamed the horrific conditions, they finally received their sentences.