Plant-Based in the Burbs

What is Mushroom Meat? Santa Monica, Ca, December 21, 2022, 1:45 p.m. PST On this episode of ‘Plant-Based in the Burbs’ Paige and Sherri are joined by the founders of a magical product called SHROOMEATS, which has the potential to change the world. Animal meat is known to be bad for the environment, bad for our health, and certainly bad for animals that become the meat. So why not use mushrooms instead?

Walnut Tacos Are Perfect For Your Holiday Parties! Los Angeles, Ca. December 12th, 6:25 pm – Are you looking to bring more healthy, colorful, flavor-filled plant-based recipes into your life in the New Year? These savory, nutritious raw walnut tacos are the perfect appetizer for any festive gathering.

This is No Ordinary Coconut Curry Santa Monica, Ca, December 1, 2022, 1:30 p.m. PT It’s coconut curry time on ‘Plant Based in the Burbs.” But this is not your usual coconut curry. Sherri Sheree jam-packs her recipe with sweet potatoes, chickpeas, and spinach, which will bring you so much happiness in every bite. Paige and Sherri, hosts of PBNB create delicious, easy recipes for the whole family.

Just Add Tahini! A Creamy Tahini Tofu Made Simple. Monday, October 24, 2022, 3:00 pm pt It’s simple to turn plain old tofu into a banging dish! And yes, it can change your life by bringing simplicity to cooking. Sherri, a fitness coach, and entrepreneur shows us how to make a Tofu and Tahini dish that is so creamy and flavorful!

Ever Had A Hearts of Palm Fritter? Want to bring more plants to your plate? Need ideas for family meals? Plant Based In the ‘Burbs brings easy vegan dinner recipes the whole family will love! Today Sherri and Paige join us with a tasty Hearts of Palm Fritter recipe. It’s healthy, crispy, and bursting with flavors!

Fried Oyster Un-Chicken Mushrooms! You are not going to believe how perfectly these fried oyster mushrooms mimic fried chicken! It is truly unbelievable. On this episode of Plant-Based in the Burbs, Sheri Johnson, with sous chef, Paige Parsons Roache, shows us how to make these magical bites of heaven, in no time at all. Let’s take a closer look at how it’s done… WATCH THE HOW-TO VIDEO HERE Plant-Based In The Burbs Hosts and Chefs Sherri Johnson is an entrepreneur, personal trainer, mother, wife, and lifelong lover of cooking.