December 2, 2014
Testimony to resume today as controversies swirl. Watch Beth Karas of reveal the identity of the mystery defense witness. Beth also has new shockers about pornography said to be on victim Travis Alexander’s computer. Could that purported porn derail the case against Jodi Arias?[wpvideo sDhuqprr]
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Jane Velez-Mitchell
Jane Velez-Mitchell is an award-winning TV journalist and New York Times best-selling author. She is the founder of UnchainedTV and the host of several shows on the network.
Good question Jane -WHEN is this trial going to END?? OMG the defense’s strategy seems to be nothing but drag it out, drag it out! So good to see you and Beth discussing this trial, BIG FAN of you ladies!
I really wish we could hear the court case as we did for the trial. I keep hoping all the things that were missed would be included by the prosecutor for the sentencing hearing. 🙁
I am having my doubts as each day passes by!
wrote down and still have a lot of notes, as I watched 98% of the trial hoping JM would pick up even a couple of points that I did!
Like your website.Just a reccommendation…can you add a widget or something to take you back to top of page? I have site through WordPress and they have them so check. Thanx, Susan
Thank you for deeply caring about our animals and for all of your efforts including bringing awareness to the masses for the cause of animal abuse. You help to make the world a much better place.
Jane, could you please see the facebook page titled : Finding Megan Lancaster 2013. Megan is just one of several missing, young women in Scioto County (Portsmouth, Ohio). The police do not seem to care to solve these disappearances and in one case, a murder (Jennifer Shepherd whose body was found in Pine Creek).
There is a lot more to this story other girls have been murdered as well. I feel you would be the one to get to the bottom of it all. It is such a sad situation in Scioto County, Ohio and people are not seeing any light at the end of the tunnel.
Thank you, Jane, many blessings sent to you!!
I think for an After Christmas present that Governor Christie should be given his own
pig gestation crate and let him try spending time in it? He doesn’t seem to think there is a problem with EXTREME CONFINEMENT – let him try it out?