Multiple reports say at least 34 baby elephants have been forcibly torn from their mothers in Zimbabwe and are about to be sent out of the troubled country. One report says they are headed to China. Another report says they are headed to the United Arab Emirates. Outrage is growing. But, it’s not enough. Your
help is desperately needed. After being tipped off by the Wildlife Conservation Film Festival JaneUnChained teamed up with Peace4Animals and Social Compassion in Legislation. Activists from TheirTurn.net and Friends of Animals also joined us as we sought answers from all 3 governments mentioned as part of this controversy. Watch the video and then tweet up a storm.
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Jane Velez-Mitchell is an award-winning TV journalist and New York Times best-selling author. She is the founder of UnchainedTV and the host of several shows on the network.
Reblogged this on Sober.Vegan.Lesbian and commented:
If you love wildlife, please take action!
We hv to protect theses baby elephants.
Baby elephants will die without supplement from mother’s milk. There is a reason they don’t wean for 5 years. Selling these baby elephants is a death sentence for them. The trauma of separation and transport is also torturous for such highly intelligent animals.
Stop this barbaric cruel act. Leave our baby elephants where they belong….with theMother !
It is wrong.
Get these elephants returned.
please, stop it now and forever!
save the Elephants
Enough is enough! Leave the elephants alone to live!!!