CSI: NY Stunt Woman Makes Spectacular Sprouted Salad!

Take portobello mushrooms and grill with olive oil, salt and pepper.
Press the portobello on either side, with a heavy object like another pan as they grill, to give them more texture.
The portobello goes on top of the sprout salad.
Salad Recipe
One cup of chickpeas
One cup of bean sprouts
One cup of cauliflower rice, which is finely chopped cauliflower
Salad Dressing Recipe
One squeezed tangerine
Apple cider vinegar to taste
Turmeric and cinnamon to taste
Put the portobellos on the salad and add tahini miso dressing, which is basically four parts tahini sauce to one parts miso paste.
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Jane Velez-Mitchell is an award-winning TV journalist and New York Times best-selling author. She is the founder of UnchainedTV and the host of several shows on the network.