Don’t Be Shellfish… Young TEDx Star Genesis Butler Creates Crabless Cakes!
The inspirational animal rights activist, Genesis Butler, of A Vegan Child’s Journey, is a TEDx alumni, (, and an experienced speaker at national conferences and Vegfests across the United States and abroad. The 11-year-old “Guest Chef” will show us how to create “Stuffed Peppers with Gardein’s Crabless Cakes”. Genesis was a featured speaker at the Animal Rights 2018 National Conference on the opening night, Jun 28, 2018, and spoke about “Empowering Youth.”
Genesis says, “I’m an ethical vegan. I started my vegan journey when I was 4.” The young phenom is featured in The Vegan Movie! She works tirelessly to wake people up to the horrors of modern animal agriculture and show them the delicious alternatives to meat and dairy, namely: plant-based “seafood,” burgers, shakes, soups, salads, desserts… all 100% vegan and cruelty-free. Today, vegan cheeses and ice creams are at least as tasty and often superior to the dairy versions. Genesis often lectures on the horrors of dairy production and supports the YouTube video Dairy is Scary!
Genesis’ Vegan Crabless Cake Stuffed Sweet Peppers
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Jane Velez-Mitchell is an award-winning TV journalist and New York Times best-selling author. She is the founder of UnchainedTV and the host of several shows on the network.