Mothers and Their Sons on a Global Tour to Get Coca-Cola to Ditch Dairy Now!

JaneUnChained LIVE! Watch as two moms, Shannon, Annette, and their young sons, VeganEvan and Veg Ian demonstrate how mother cows and their calf children are separated! This protest was organized by In Defense of Animals against Coca-Cola for the beverage company’s involvement in the dairy industry. Undercover video by Animal Recovery Mission shows violent calf abuse at Fair Oaks Farms which provides milk to the Fa!rlife brand, which is distributed by Coke! Young VeganEvan and Veg Ian and their moms are the four actors with Animal Hero Kids Voices for the Voiceless Book.Â

Vegan Evan and Veg Ian showed how cruel the dairy industry can be and how calves and their moms are abused. Their moms also played roles with other activists to drive the point home. They demonstrated how baby calves are separated from their mothers shortly after birth. Then two other activists showed how workers try to force calves to drink bottles of formula in place of their mother’s milk. When calves refuse, workers get frustrated and often beat the calves. The whole performance was hard to watch but truly shows how scary dairy is. Keep an eye out for Vegan Evan, Veg Ian, and their moms as they go on a cross-country activism tour bringing awareness to the atrocities experienced by animals as part of the animal agricultural industry! Follow VeganEvan and Veg Ian on social media for more updates on their youth activism!

The companies are invited to respond at any time.
Follow Vegan Evan on Instagram!
Jane Velez-Mitchell, Paige Parsons Roache, and Lisa Karlan report for
Photos courtesy of Jane Velez-Mitchell, Sarah Segal, and Paige Parsons Roache
See this team of activists take over a Walmart in Colorado with their performance!Â
JaneUnChained LIVE at a Walmart in Colorado as protests against Coca-Cola intensify and spread from state to state! Pressure mounts for the beverage giant to sever ties with the animal abuse scandal plagued Fairlife and Fair Oaks Farms. Here activists dramatically illustrate the mother/baby separation that dairy cows experience so humans can steal their milk.
Coca-Cola, Walmart, Fair Oaks Farms, Fairlife, and anyone from the industry is invited on to comment or respond at any time.
Shannon Blair reporting for JaneUnchained News Network